Rwanda marks 25 years of genocide


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Commemorations began in Rwanda to mark the 25th anniversary of the genocide that killed about one-tenth of the population.

The country will mourn for 100 days, the time it took in 1994 for 800,000 Rwandans to be slaughtered.

Most were Tutsi belonging to the minority, killed by extremists belonging to the Hutu ethnic group.

President Paul Kagame, who led the rebel forces that ended the genocide, lit a commemorative flame near the capital's memorial, Kigali.

How is Rwanda going to remember it?

Commemoration activities began with the fire ignition ceremony at the memorial, where approximately 250,000 victims would be buried. The flame will burn for 100 days.

The 61-year-old president, who has led the country since the end of the genocide, is due to deliver a speech at the Kigali convention center.

He will then lead a vigil at the Amahoro National Stadium, which has been used by UN officials to try to protect Tutsis during the killings.

Who is present?

A number of foreign leaders should be present at some of these events. They are mainly African, although Prime Minister Charles Michel will represent the former colonial leader, Belgium.

Paul Kagame (C) welcomes Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed to commemorative ceremonies
Paul Kagame (C) welcomes Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed to commemorative ceremonies

French President Emmanuel Macron will not be here. This week he appointed a group of experts to investigate France's role in the genocide.

France was a close ally of the Hutu-led government before the mbadacres and was accused of ignoring the warning signs and training the militias that perpetrated the attacks.

France will be represented by Hervé Berville, a deputy born in Rwanda.

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni will also not be here. He has been accused of supporting Rwandan rebels opposed to Mr. Kagame.

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