Rwandans welcome Kagame's pardon for abortion


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An activist and abortion rights activist in Rwanda has hailed President Paul Kagame's decision to forgive more than 360 convicted women and girls in abortion-related cases over the years.

Chantal Umuhoza told BBC Newsday that this decision is a positive step that shows the government's willingness to take steps to legalize or decriminalize abortion in Rwanda.

"I was really happy because it is the second time our president has forgiven women and girls convicted of abortion," said Ms. Umuhoza.

In 2016, Mr. Kagame pardoned 62 girls and women.

The ruling of the president concerns the cases of women imprisoned for having performed an abortion, an infanticide or who were accomplices in such cases.

The announcement was made after a cabinet meeting on Wednesday.

Umuhoza said many women thought twice before applying for abortion services.

She stated that, with respect to abortion, the law permits it in "very limited cases", such as rape, which forces the majority of women who wish to terminate an unwanted pregnancy to opt for a dangerous abortion.

Umuhoza said she hoped the government would decriminalize abortion so that any woman could access it as a health service.

Some Rwandans on Twitter celebrated the president's decision:

Thank you Mr. President of Rwanda! Teenage pregnancy is on the rise in Rwanda, leading to an unwanted and unplanned pregnancy that forces this young woman to commit unsafe abortions and end up in prison. We must call on the services of SRH & Rand for young people !!! #ipas

– From (@ De65640670) April 4, 2019

As part of the exercise of the prerogative of mercy, President Kagame pardoned the 367 girls and women sentenced and jailed for abortion and infanticide offenses.

– Busingye Johnston (@BusingyeJohns) April 4, 2019

Is there anyone who will want to know why 367 women and girls have committed abortions and infanticide in Rwanda despite the prison sentence related to the offense? These women need help, not mercy.

– Maria Zakharova (@Ma_LoJ) April 4, 2019

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