SA trials confirm faster vaccine against bee stings


A new vaccine against bee stings, which could significantly reduce the time required for people with severe allergies to develop their immunity, has completed its tests on humans.

Research conducted by Flinders University and the Royal Adelaide Hospital involved 27 adults with a history of allergic reactions.

They used a unique sugar-based ingredient, called adjuvant, to help the body more quickly neutralize bee venom.

Commercial bee venom therapy is already available, but requires that patients receive more than 50 injections over a three-year period to strengthen their immune system.

"Our technology, it's like adding a turbocharger to a car and in this case, the vaccine against bee allergy is much more powerful, allowing the immune system to better neutralize the venom of bees and prevent allergic symptoms, "said Professor Nikolai Petrovsky.

The researchers said the test results were very promising and confirmed the safety of the adjuvant.

"The current option of treating severe bee venom allergies is long and tedious," said researcher Anthony Smith.

"I hope this improved bee venom therapy will provide faster, but more durable protection."

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