Samia Nkrumah comes back and looks at Jomoro again.


Samia Nkrumah says that she is the only one to have done more for her constituents as a deputy than any other person.

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Samia Nkrumah, former member of the Convention People's Party (PPC) for Jomoro in the Western Region, has announced that she will return for the seat she lost in 2012.

Samia, who refused to declare the political party she is going to argue for, said the parliament needed a third voice beyond the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC).

It's not just the constituency she represents "but also an independent voice in Parliament," she told Joseph Opoku Gakpo, JoyNews' parliamentary correspondent.

The politician, who is also the daughter of Ghana's first president, Kwame Nkrumah, began his political career in 2008 by defeating NOC's Lee Ocran with a majority of 6,571, winning about 50 percent of the total votes cast.

But after serving as a deputy during a term, Samia in December 2012 lost his seat to the benefit of the NDC candidate, Wing Commander Francis Anaman, a retired officer from the Army of Ghanaian air. She had always maintained that the results did not reflect actual votes.

She then increased her political calling a little further by preparing for the contest to run the PPC before the 2016 elections but failed in her candidacy.

It suffered an allegedly unexpected defeat after garnering only 579 votes against 1,288 votes obtained by former Secretary General Ivor Greenstreet.

Come back

Samia, however, is motivated to return to the current position of Paul Essien, the party in power, to prove the badertion that his 2012 defeat was biased.

Nor does it see its break with front-line politics since the defeat of its flag bearer as a disadvantage.

"I'm still in touch with my people and I think we can do a good job for the people of Jomoro … a person who has done a good job and has won the trust of people and who thinks that people can always come back back, "she explained. .

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