Samsung Electronics would secure emergency supplies of 3 key materials targeted by …


, 출장 복귀 후 # # # # 주재 … 3 소재 확보 했나

Vice President and de facto head of Samsung Electronics, Lee Jae-yong, was in Japan last week and industry sources do not predict what he could have done in terms of lightening export restrictions imposed by Tokyo.
Our reports Ko Roon-hee.
Citing several industry sources, the Seoul-based news agency Yonhap News Agency reported Sunday that once in Seoul, the vice president of Samsung Electronics had explained the achievements of his trip to Japan to the highest leaders of the company.
And about these achievements, explained the news agency, … Samsung would have secured emergency supplies of three key materials affected by the latest export restrictions imposed by Japan to Korea.
The three materials are photosensitive resins, fluorinated polyimides and hydrogen fluoride necessary for Samsung to manufacture semiconductors or screens.
With these relief supplies and existing stocks, Samsung would have enough to avoid an immediate production shortfall.
Sources say the company has probably found other ways to supply … by asking, for example, Japanese companies to ship high-tech materials, not from Japan, but from other sources. Factories located abroad, in order to avoid trade restrictions.
Although Samsung did not confirm whether Lee had secured the hardware or not, he indicated that he had met Saturday with the device solutions managers and display units of the company to discuss ways to manage trade restrictions.
These measures came into effect on July 4 … and Vice President Lee was in Japan soon after … July 7 to 12.
Although some sources say that Japan's export restrictions have so far not significantly affected the Korean technology giant, badysts warn that serious damage is inevitable … if the measurements remain in place for a long time.
Ko Roon-hee, Arirang News.

#LeeJaeyong #SamsungElectronics # 3keymaterials #Japan #tradecurbs

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