Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa calls "national shame" the "exam questions on the board" Ghana news


The North Tongu MP, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, described the news as national shame that exam questions were written on the board.

According to him, the news reveals that the Ghanaian education sector has demoted and has not progressed.

"Our country must always strive to move forward and not go back. The tables replacing the examinations are simply a national disgrace.

"Basic teachers and our children in public basic schools have done nothing wrong to deserve such cruelty," Ablakwah posted on Facebook.

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A week ago, photos of many teachers writing exam questions on the board so that their students could answer them appear on social media. reports that the government has not yet released money for printing exam questions.

Ghanaians have also expressed disappointment with this news and the Ghana Education Service (GES) has not yet commented on it.

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