Samurai Shodown will preserve the classic elements


Samurai Shodown will have a new delivery and with it the opportunities to reach more audiences who do not know the series. This could sow doubt among former fans of the franchise, to the extent that it could compromise the clbadic design of the first games for reasons of increased market accessibility. The developers of the new version say that there is nothing to worry about, that they can be sure that the game will feature clbadic elements.

In an interview with the site DualShockers At the PAX East 2019 celebration, Game Director Josh Weatherford, Artistic Director Noboyuki Kuroki and Producer Yasuyuki Oda gave more information on Samurai Shodown, after SNK left the franchise in a lethargy of 10 years. "One thing is that it was certainly one of the most requested intellectual properties by fans, we wanted to meet those expectations," Weatherford commented.

When asked how they had modernized the game, Weatherford replied that they had in fact retained many features of the old deliveries. "It's really not modernized, it's really true for the old ones because we think it stands out, that the general systems stand out, because the title has a high level of damage, a high risk and a high reward, "said the developer.

However, this should not be an obstacle for new players to reach the franchise with Samurai Shodownsince, according to Weatherford, starting the title is not complicated, in addition to the work done with the art is remarkable.

And you, are you excited for the next installment of Samurai Shodown? Do you think the series will attract a lot of fans? Tell us in the comments.

In the related information, we met last night the new characters that will come under the title of fights, in addition to the versions that will sell. In addition, some time ago, the SNK announced that Samurai Shodown It will not be exclusive, but it will be on all platforms of the current generation and also on PC. Players who have attended PAX East 2019 have already had the opportunity to try it.

Samurai Shodown will debut later this year. You can find more information about it if you click on this link.

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