Sarri Transcript: Every word from Chelsea boss about Hudson-Odoi launch, fan reviews and more



We have a problem with Alonso. Last night, he had a little problem with his hamstring. So I think that he has to rest for three or four days.

Will Hazard and Kante start?

I do not know for the moment, but I think so. They sat in the last game, for the whole match with N & # 39; Golo and for 55 minutes for Eden.

But it must be considered that N & # 39; Golo, this season, played 50 games. And Hazard 48. In the past two weeks they have played with their national teams for two games. So sometimes they need to rest. But now, I'm fine, I think.

Danger – is not it part of your job to keep it happy?

Eden usually plays every game. He knows very well that sometimes he has to rest. This is not a problem for Eden.

Some fans criticize you and say that you are used to it. Does it still hurt?

I'm not happy, of course, but I'm not concerned. It can happen. I can understand very well the frustration of our fans.

But finally, we are not doing so badly. During this season, we won 33 games. I think that in England, only Manchester City has done better than us.

Of course, we know very well that we need to improve our performance.

Six points better than last season, lost only once in seven, can win the Europa League, in the race for the top three … is the criticism unfair?

I do not know. We probably started very well so our fans thought everything was really easy for us. But this is not true.

Maurizio Sarri during the victory in Cardiff (photo by Stu Forster / Getty Images)

We must work, improve ourselves. I think that if you take a coach with my features, you have to work, improve yourself day by day and week by week. I think that in the future we can fight for the summit.

Critics seem to come from a lack of departure for Hudson-Odoi. Would not that make it easier for you?

First, after four or five pre-season training sessions, I realized that Callum was really a player with a lot of potential.

In my opinion, at that moment, he was not ready to play at this level. But during the season, it has improved. And now he's ready to play.

But I decided at the beginning of the season that he had to stay with us and I put him in the team. So I know Callum very well and I hope he gets better, because the potential is higher. And Callum is always in my head. In my opinion, it is our future.

Now he is ready to play. He will probably start tomorrow or in the next match.

Callum Hudson-Odoi, of England, at a training session prior to his qualifying match for the European Championship against Montenegro at St Georges Park on March 23, 2019

If tried to start it tomorrow?

Yes, of course, but first I want to see the status of all players. The condition of Willy, Pedro, Eden, all the wingers. But of course, it's in my head.

Over time, you can fight for the summit. Can this group of players do that? Next season?

I think so, because we have a lot of young players. They can improve a lot in the future. Callum, Ruben, Christensen … and so if they can improve, we can improve as a team.

Frustrated when watching your team play? In Cardiff, in particular

We played badly in the first half. We must improve. To improve also early in the action because we started the actions in the wrong direction against Cardiff.

We played with more character because in this match we reacted. Not the right way, but we reacted. In a confused way, I think. But we wanted to win. It is important for us.

Fans not mbadively happy … do you still enjoy that?

I like to stay on the ground. And I enjoy it during training, of course. As I have already said, I am not happy, but I can understand. It can happen. It's normal, I think. We must improve. We must play better. We want to try to change their opinion.

What would be your message to the fans?

I think that they have to help the players during the match. After the match, they can say no matter what, but hopefully they can help my players during the match.

Maurizio Sarri at Goodison Park

Not useful if they criticize you rather than the players, then?

I think we are a group. At the moment, we are a very good group. So, I think it is not useful for my players. For me, this is not a big problem. I am not happy, but it is not a big problem. I'm 60, so I can understand. But when I was 25, it was probably different.

Chelsea, one of the most difficult jobs of football?

It is not easy, of course. But I think it's better to be at work. It is not easy, but it is not easy, too, in other teams, in other clubs. It is not easy.

But it was not easy in Naples. So, I think my job is this. I like the other part a lot, part on the ground, and I do not like this part, but that's part of my job.

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