SAS claims that a six-day pilot strike cost him $ 68 million


COPENHAGEN, Denmark – Scandinavian Airlines has announced that a six-day pilot strike that resulted in the cancellation of 4,000 flights and affected more than 370,000 pbadengers cost SEK 650 million ($ 68 million) .

According to SAS, the walkout, which ended on May 2 when the parties reached a three-year collective agreement, "affected" its second quarter, for which it recorded a loss of 1.2 billion kroner (125 million of dollars).

CEO Richard Gustafson said that this "added to the challenges already faced by SAS", among which stiff competition, rising fuel prices and the weakening of the Swedish currency.

Gustafson said Tuesday that the result for the three-month period that ended on April 30, "is far from satisfactory."

The strike began on April 26 after talks between the airline and the SAS Pilot Group failed, representing 95% of the company's pilots in Sweden, Denmark and Norway.

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