Saudi Aramco consulted Mohamed El-Erian during a bond roadshow


Saudi Aramco, the largest oil company in the world, has consulted with Mohamed El-Erian as an informal adviser before launching its first-ever international bond roadshow this week, according to someone close to the issue.

Mr. El-Erian, chief economic advisor at Allianz and former chief executive of bond giant Pimco, was consulted on the "technicalities" of the $ 10 billion bond offering, presented to investors at London, New York and Asia. the week.

The bond issue made it possible for the first time to get a clear idea of ​​the company's finances, revealing that it was by far the largest profit generator in the world, with a net profit of $ 111 billion. last year. The company said this week that its bond offering was aimed in part at making the public oil company a bigger player in the international financial markets.

Saudi Aramco had no comments.

Reuters first announced the news of contact with Mr. El-Erian earlier Wednesday.

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