Scanning Fuel Distribution Before Mixing – VP Bawumia


Company News of Wednesday, July 10, 2019



Bawumia Cashless play the videoDr. Mahamudu Bawumia, Vice President of Ghana

Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia said the president's digitization program, Nana Akufo-Addo, will soon expand to pre-mix distribution in Ghana in order to increase Efficiency of its distribution to fishermen.

According to Vice President Bawumia, the introduction of digital technologies into premix distribution will ensure that fishermen, for whom the product is subsidized and subsidized, actually receive it.

Vice President Bawumia said this when he delivered the opening address of the 3rd International Petroleum Conference in Ghana (GhipCon) in Accra on Wednesday, July 10, 2019.

"We need to use more and more available digital technologies to increase the efficiency of the downstream petroleum sector. One of the areas we are discussing and making a decision is, for example, the distribution of premix fuel in Ghana among fishermen, "said Vice President Bawumia.

"This is an area that has really been a problem because there are subsidies for the premixed fuel and, whenever they are, the distribution of the product tends to create economic rents, and when it creates these rents, all kinds and the fishermen, for whom this was designed, do not even get the product because they are smuggled and sold to other people who may not even be fishermen at prices more high.

"So we looked at it and decided that the best way to solve this problem was to digitize the process so that we could allocate the subsidy to each registered boat. We have registered all the boats and we will soon set up a digitization process for the premix distribution in Ghana. We hope to expand it to fertilizer next year as well. Digitization will also end the politicization of premix distribution. "

Vice President Bawumia badured downstream petroleum stakeholders that the government would create an enabling environment for downstream activities to develop competitively, efficiently and with the highest safety standards.

"The Government, through the Ministry of Energy, is in the process of institutional and regulatory realignment of the downstream gas subsector to provide clarity and certainty to the players in this sector. subsector. The Minister of Energy would soon complete the realignment process and begin the legislative consolidation process of the Gas Master Plan into a gas law. The proposed gas law will create a favorable environment and appropriate incentives for investors. "

The theme of this year's conference, organized under the auspices of the Ministry of Energy and the National Petroleum Authority, is "Regional Collaboration; A catalyst for transformation "and bringing together stakeholders from the oil sector of the subregion of West Africa.

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