Scarlett Johansson says she should "be able to play anyone"


Scarlett Johansson address her work as an actress.

During an interview with As if magazine, the 34-year-old actress is raised against politically correct casting.

PHOTOS: Check out the latest pictures from Scarlett Johansson

"You know, as an actor, I should have the right to play anybody, no matter what tree or any animal because that is my job and the demands of my job " Scarlett sharing. "I think it's a trend in my business and it has to happen for a variety of social reasons. Yet there are times when it becomes uncomfortable to affect art because I feel that art should be free of restrictions. "

"The statement comes after his abandonment of the film Rub and tow after facing negative reactions for baduming a transgender role.

It is not the first time Scarlett Johansson is facing a backlash on one of his roles. Scarlett has been criticized for baduming the lead role in Ghost in the shellwhen many thought it should have gone to an Asian actor.

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