Scientists decode the pain-free life of a 71-year-old woman


Imagine having burns in fires, fractures due to falls and cuts in the kitchen without ever feeling any pain. An iron man or a woman, perhaps?

The Scottish woman Jo Cameron, 71, is practically an "iron woman" of real life, who never needed to take painkillers after consulting a dentist and who perfectly supports the spicy chilis in the Scotch bonnet.

Cameron had never noticed any noticeable difference between her and the others until she sought treatment for a hip problem at the age of 65. Surprisingly, she had no pain despite severe degeneration of her joint.

The doctors were again astonished when, a year later, she felt no pain after undergoing a very painful hand operation to treat her osteoarthritis.

His insufficient sensitivity to pain prompted researchers to search for answers from genetics and discovered that it was a rare genetic mutation of a previously unidentified gene, FAAH-OUT, which spared him pain and anxiety, according to a recent scientific report co-led by University College London and published in the British Journal of Anesthesia.

The researchers also found that, in addition to feeling no physical pain, Cameron felt no emotional "pain" as there seemed to be few heartbreaking moments in his life.

Optimistic, she got the lowest score on a common scale questionnaire and said she never panic, even in common dangerous scenarios.

The researchers predict that it is possible that there are more people with the same mutation, considering that Cameron was not aware of his condition until he turned 60 years old.

It is hoped that this discovery could help guide new treatments for a variety of conditions, from postoperative pain to anxiety and fear.

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