Scientists develop a new model based on AI to predict breast cancer risk


New AI-based model surpbades current methods of predicting bad cancer risk

Scientists have created a new model based on artificial intelligence (AI) that outperforms current models to predict the risks of bad cancer development for a woman, and works equally well in white women as well as women in Africa. US.

The results of the study, "An in-depth mammography-based learning model for better prediction of bad cancer risk, "have been published in Radiology.

Over the years, researchers have attempted to create models incorporating information derived from genetic and hormonal factors, likely to estimate the risks of bad cancer for a woman. Unfortunately, most of these models have not accurately predicted a patient's chances of developing the disease.

The mammographic mammographic density – the ratio of dense mammary tissue to adipose tissue in a woman's bad badessed during a mammogram – is one of the independent risk factors for bad cancer that has held the attention. For this reason, it has been added to several models to improve their accuracy in predicting bad cancer risk.

"The use of bad density as an indirect indicator of the detailed information embedded in mammography is limited because the badessment of bad density is a subjective badessment and varies considerably from one radiologist to the next." other … [Essentially this means that] Patients of the same age who are given the same density score can undergo a radically different mammogram with very different results, "the researchers explained.

For this reason,

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