Scientists warn of an amphibian pandemic that has already killed 90 species


SANTIAGO – A major deadly disease affecting amphibians has turned into a global pandemic that has already wiped out 90 species, a well-known American biologist at the World Organization for Animal Health's Aquatic Conference on Agriculture said in Santiago Thursday. from Chile.

Chytridiomycosis is caused by a fungus – Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis – that attacks the skin of frogs, toads and other amphibians.

While creatures use their skin to breathe and regulate their body's water level, the damage caused by the disease eventually leads to heart failure and death.

Jonathan Kolby, co-author of a study published in March on the devastating effects of the fungus, lamented what he described as "the world's first problem of wild disease".

"It's more than 60 countries right now and that's part of the problem," he said.

In the last five years, the highly contagious disease has already caused the disappearance of nearly 90 species, more than 500 of which have been affected.

The rapid spread of the fungus around the world is due to the lack of rules on animal trade and surveillance at airports, allowing wildlife to be imported without any control.

"To solve this problem, we need to focus on regulation," said Kolby, who has worked on the study alongside some 40 other international experts.

"Globalization is good for men but it has consequences for animals," he added. In the United States alone, 5 million amphibians enter the country each year.

At present, the disease is more prevalent in Latin America and Australia, with trade being done with Asia, where the fungus originates, causing the spread.

Scientists also believe that a genetic mutation of the fungus could have made it more dangerous.

Amphibians play a major role in maintaining the quality of the aquatic environment. They also feed on mosquitoes, carriers of human diseases such as malaria and Zika virus.

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