Scotland has generated enough wind energy to power its homes twice


The Scottish government has already planned to clean its power supply. It hopes to be able to supply half of its energy consumption in renewable energy by 2050 and almost wants to eliminate CO2 emissions from its energy infrastructure by 2050. The new statistics suggest that the plan is on the right track and could even be careful.

The timing is practical too. The UK has been progressively weaning coal and last May it took more than two weeks without using heavy emissions resources. If Scotland and other areas with abundant wind power can sell their produce elsewhere, even territories without many wind turbines could reduce their dependence on more harmful sources of electricity.

It may be difficult for other countries to do the same. As in the case of solar energy, wind farms need an adequate environment to optimize their performance. Scotland has the advantage of strong wind turbines, abundant coastlines and other natural features that facilitate energy production, not to mention a relatively small population. Even in this case, it shows that renewable energies are reaching previously unthinkable levels and that it is not strange to put an end to electricity consumption in some cases.

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