Secessionist group of the Volta arrested for conspiracy to "form a new country" finally released Ghana news


– The court rejected the case of the secessionists of the Volta

– The application was granted at the request of a prosecutor

– The group of eight headed by Charles Kormi Kudjordjie planned to declare the independent Volta region May 9

A panel of three members of the Commercial Court chaired by Judge Jerome Nkrumah filed the case against a group of secessionists from the Volta region. The defendants were subsequently released.

At the request of Attorney General Winifred Sarpong, Judge Nkrumah resigned on Monday, July 8, 2019.

The court had warned prosecutors on the last date of adjournment that he would be obliged to release the defendants if they did not guarantee the start of the trial.

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The group's leader, 85-year-old Charles Kormi Kudjordjie, also known as Papavi Hogbedetor, and eight other members of the Homeland Study Group Foundation, suspected of defending the independence of Western Togoland (Volta region) ). ) of Ghana, were arrested on 9 May 2019 for having considered declaring this part of Ghana to be independent.

The group wanted a restoration of pre-independent Western Togo by a total break with the current Republic of Ghana.

Although the highest personalities of the foundation were sentenced by a high court of Ho to sign a bond of good conduct and to refrain from their secessionist activities in July 2017, they convened another parallel conference in the region of the Volta on Sunday, May 5, 2019.

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Meanwhile, the information gathered by pretend that the president has opposed Parliament's proposals to use $ 200 million for a new chamber.

According to a report seen by About Ghanaweb, the president said that he was focusing on more priority projects for the country, hence his rejection of the proposal.

The president was determined to improve Ghana's roads, the education and training sector, agriculture, water and housing, rural development, and many more, the report said.

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Source: Yen Ghana

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