Sekiro: Shadows The Twice: You do not believe how fast this speedrunner has been


Have you ever played through Sekiro? Probably not, no? A speedrunner finished the bakery game in a shameful time. Could you imagine reducing his time?

While one or the other of Sekiro's bosses was biting his teeth, the speedrunner uhTrance managed to get through the difficult match in less than two hours. He did not even need an hour and a half. After 1 hour, 25 minutes and 44 seconds exactly. Of course, the fast player captured his incredible performance in a video. As it shows the full race, it naturally contains spoilers. As a result, you should not read from here under certain circumstances.

1.5 hours, it's an hour that some can still find in Sekiro's tutorial. After only 56 minutes, uhTrance had already placed the boss Genichiro. On average, players need about 30 hours to see the end of Sekiro. How could the Speedrun be successful in such a short time? Admittedly, the defects have been exploited. Not at all. This performance is done completely without the use of bugs and errors.

In addition to a decent pinch of address, uhTrance has also jumped cutscenes and bypbaded all opponents, with the exception of compelling boss fights. In addition, he moved away from the planned path and overtook Abründe to take advantage of the level architecture. Finally, he avoided unlocking points at high speed and devouring time with agitation. In some cases, the Speedrunner used the points to unlock certain objects.

But there is still room for improvement. uhTrance did not succeed at every jump, he had a few deaths and even when he sold some items, there was always a problem. It will not be long before the time of 1:25:44 is reduced.

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