Shaanxi Mining fined $ 50,000 | General news


The Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources has fined Shaanxi Mining Limited $ 50,000 for violating Ghana's mining regulations.

In its report, the Inspection Division of the Minerals Commission of the Minerals Commission said that the violation of the regulations had resulted in the deaths of 16 people at the Yenyenya and Pubortaaba mining sites on January 22, 2019. Gbane, in the Talensi district, in the Upper Basin region. Eastern Region.

The fine was part of the sanctions recommended in the report that was approved by the ministry.

She admitted the company was guilty of not recording an explosion in her logbook.

The company also said it did not adhere to the code of practice of safe work on explosives, explosives stored illegally underground, to have sent blasting time notices to the mining community and appointed a supervisor who could not communicate effectively with his team.

He also recommended the dismissal of foreman Asibi Seidu for leaving his post.

The director of the underground mine, Thomas Tii Yenzaya, must be fired for using explosives not found in the registers.

At a press conference in Accra on Tuesday, Minister Kwaku Asomah-Cheremeh said that the results of this investigation showed that Shaanxi Mining Limited carried out explosions at the two mine sites between 22h and 22h45.

He said that before the explosion, unauthorized people would have entered the subway to work around 8 pm.

However, during a pre-blast inspection, about 70 illegal miners were chased from the basement to level 2 and two people were subsequently arrested.

"A total of 627 holes were drilled for blasting, 622 explosives, 622 Maxnelshock tube detonators and 32 bags of ammonium nitrate oil (ANFO) were used for 25-sided blasting," he said. he declared.

He also said that more unauthorized people entered the underground tunnel shortly after the first explosion.

"A post-explosion inspection was carried out around 11:30 pm and a group of illegal miners carrying bags suspected of containing stolen ore. Eight people were arrested. The arrested people were not employees of Shaanxi Mining Ghana, the Yenyeya mining group or the Pubortaaba mining group, "added the minister.

Asomah-Cheremeh said that the victims, who thought the blast was over, were caught in the smoke from the lower floors.

The Commission's mines inspector, among others, had not approved the company's blasting procedure, adding that the supervisor of the underground patrol team could not communicate properly with his Ghanaian crew.

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