Shamkir Chess 1: Anand lets Navara escape


Vishy Anand missed a beautiful cheapo that allowed David
Navara to escape living from a game where he had looked damned both on the board and
on the clock. The five games of the first round of the Gashimov Memorial 2019
to Shamkir were finally fired, but not without a fight. World champion
Magnus Carlsen was in grave danger against Teimour Radjabov, while the two
The players lived dangerously in Giri-Topalov. Karjakin-Ding Liren was strong
but in short, whereas only Grischuk-Mamedyarov was instantly forgettable.

It's just over five years old that the immense talent and
the beloved grand master of Azerbaijan Vugar Gashimov has pbaded away, and that is
already the 6th tournament held in his honor.

The first five editions of
Shamkir, Azerbaijan were won by Magnus Carlsen (2014, 2015 and 2018) and
Shakhriyar Mamedyarov (2016 and 2017), the world champion winning all
time he played. They were both in action because round 1 was played on Sunday,
and you can replay all games using the selector below:

Two of the games were over almost before you could blink,
with the spectacular start of Karjakin-Ding
become less exciting when you realized that it was the heavy theory for both
players. Ding Liren chose the same line Giuoco Piano against which he played
Maxime Vachier-Lagrave in the game or
the French finishes his series of 100 matches without defeat
. He then chose the 10 … Nh7 that he had chosen at
defeated Jorden van Foreest in Wijk aan Zee
earlier this year. Once again
was Ding who managed to shoot the first surprise, with the novelty 16 … Re8 instead of 16 … Bxf3 against

It's not a total surprise, however, with Sergey
commenting: "I did not do a great preparation" for the move. The little
the preparation proved sufficient, and after 17.Qd2
Bxf3 18.Bxf3 gxh4 19.Bf4 Qf6 20.Bxh5
Ding Liren needed to find a single
precise movement:

20 … Qg7!,
to prevent Bg4 from White, was the movement, but maybe "find" is inappropriate,
since the footsteps of the world 3 stopped just a moment during the match. It has ended in a
repetition with 21.Bh6 Qf6 22.Bf4 Qg7

Ding Liren then said he was skipping the FIDE Grand Prix
Series prize this year since he wants to devote himself to the regular play of the Grand Chess circuit
for the first time (you must know that he is a favorite to qualify for the 2020 competition
Ranking tournament). Karjakin admitted that playing both would be difficult, but

When you focus on chess and you do not have time
for anything else for some players, it can be good – and I hope it will go for me
be wise!

If this game did not have the pulse of the race Grischuk-Mamedyarov was positively
comatose. On the spot 17 of a 5.Re1
Berlin, in a position where all 20 games from our database were drawn,
Grischuk made a new movement that was so much more appealing than usual. C & # 39; was
Game 12 of the Carlsen-Karjakin match in New York, again, minus the
excitement of the situation, and ended with a quick rehearsal on the move 37.

The good thing about the game is that we got to
Listen to a typically entertaining summary of Grischuk, who does not speak well, but not everyone agrees:

It should be noted that Alexander is probably not entirely
serious when it comes to relaxing during chess tournaments (just think of his time troubles for decisions), although
watched his shows during the match Carlsen-Caruana will know that he has some
distractions at home!

The remaining games were all tense battles, with Magnus Carlsen
live dangerously when he played 15 … d5!? against Teimour Radjabov:

Teimour felt that his opponent was "overflowing" with Magnus
agreeing that "d5 was clearly too ambitious". He made a rare admission to
have "completely misjudged" the resulting position, leaving Black to
pawns suspended surprisingly weak in the middle of the board after 16.Nxf6! Qxf6.

The game was very double-edged and could also have tipped over
in favor of Black, but Radjabov found what he called the "very strong" 24.Bb3!

It is not advisable to take d3, with Black left with crippled pawns
and a weak D-file after, for example, 25.Rad1 Bc4 26.Bxc4 dxc4 27.Qg4, while
after 24 … Qd7 25.Qg3! in the game Magnus decided that the time had come for drastic
actions with 25 … d4!?

This may be the moment when Radjabov's chances have escaped.
away because he went for mbad exchanges with 26.Nxe5!?and at a remarkable speed
the match ended in a draw. Instead of 26.Bc4! poses serious problems for
Black, with 26 … e4!? always likely to lead an animated tune game rather than total

Subsequently, a relieved Magnus was as keen as usual in
press conference. To the question of knowing he was disappointed to have been
given five blacks in the tournament and only four games with whites:

It's a strange question to answer after the first
turn, because after the first round everyone has four whites and four blacks!

Should we change the format of the tournament so that everyone has
the same number of games with each piece of color?

I do not think we should make the game more uniform than ever
is already!

He even invented a good trick when he was asked about marriage …

Although this game only threatened to explode, Anand-Navara had a decisive result
written almost everywhere from the beginning. Czech No. 1 David Navara himself
admitted that he did not have the complete opening repertoire of the best
players, and he regretted his choice of the Sicilian dragon immediately when
Vishy went for 7.f3. This was used by Anand Karthikeyan's compatriot
Murali, especially against Hikaru Nakamura in Gibraltar earlier this year, but
David was surprised and fell into a 25-minute reflection.

Around round 15, Black was already very dark, with
Vishy admitted that he had the feeling that he would just go back. This
The impression was reinforced by terrible time problems for Navara, who noted that he was not
more accustomed to time control without increment (until stroke 61) used
in Shamkir. He went down to less than a minute for 8 shots and then 12 seconds for 5
moves, when it became a physical struggle just to make the movements in

It was a highly tactical position, however, and tricky for
both players. A portent of the drama to follow came when Vishy played

33 … Rb1 +! 34.Nxb1 Qxa4 gave hope to Black, though by
Navara time makes time control, with 1 second to spare, the computer
the evaluation suggested that his position was desperate again:

The more you look at the position, the more delicate it is.
gets for the white. If Vishy was going to escape all the potential checks, he would
having to walk, as he noted, a "tightrope". Instead, however, he stumbled
immediately (or at least after 10 minutes of calm and refocusing), with

The five-time world champion had fallen into the same bag
again – this time with 41 … Rd1 + !!

The only movement not to lose a piece is 42.Nxd1, but then
42 … Qd4 + Black has CEO Jonathan Tisdall called "a beautiful Christmas tree
perpetual. "Black simply gives a check of A1 or G1, according to the meaning of the
the king runs, then returns to d4. Vishy immediately conceded the draw and
resulted in the post-match press conference.

It was not quite the end of the action of the day!

For the most part of the anti-Berlin game, the question was whether Anish
could turn a big space advantage against Veselin Topalov in a victory, but he confessed
lose the plot when he just tried to reach the control of time before taking
more decisions. A pawn shop of the 40th movement was dangerous because he noted that "the
h-file is huge for him, and I've had the chance to keep him. " How close it was
illustrated by the move 45 … g3:

The only gesture of the whites not to lose was 46.Nxf6!, and after 46 … Qh2 +
47.Kf1 Qh1 + 48.Qg1 Qh4 49.Qd4
the players made a draw by repetition.

So, in the end, nobody ran out of the blocks, but
Carlsen-Anand is already a Tour 2 clbadic. There was no English commentary on the first day in Shamkir, but Shamkir's regular commentator, Ljubomir Ljubojević, reportedly had problems with his pbadport in Turkey. the way to the event, but Arkadij Naiditsch is expected to comment in English on Monday.

Give all
action from 13:00 CET live on chess24!

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