Shamkir, Turn 6: Karjakin defeats Anand and takes Carlsen


Follow the theory

About ten years ago, it was common to see two elite players plunge into a theoretical line into the middle game. Nowadays, it is all about early deviations and getting a playable position, even if it is not superior with both colors. Magnus effect, we could call it. In the sixth round of Shamkir, however, we saw an explosion of the past, while Sergey Karjakin and Vishy Anand played no less than thirty theoretical moves!

Chess of Shamkir 2019

During the first phase of the games … | Photo: Official site

Until shot 12, players repeat a line that had already do not worked for Anand in the second round of the same tournament – Carlsen had defeated Vishy after, just like today, getting a slight advantage late in the game. Apparently, this is a variation that Vishy had as the main weapon of equalization with the Blacks for this tournament, however, he and Karjakin having followed Aronian against Caruana, from the 2018 final of the GCT in London, until shot 30.

Sergey had eliminated all his movements except one, until now, while Vishy had taken his time about seven times until now. In this position, Aronian had played 31.xf4 and other simplifications led to a draw of 46 moves. It was a quick match in a very tense playoff tournament – Karjakin was now all the time in the world looking for the slightest chance against Anand.

Sergey needed less than ten seconds to play 31.c5 and in the next five movements, the final phase reached its position after some exchanges:

My career, vol. 1

The first DVD containing videos of Anand's chess career testifies to his debut and dates back to 1999. He begins by recalling how he learned chess and shows his first big games (including those of the World Cup 1984 for juniors). . The culmination of its first phase of development was the 1987 WCh victory for the juniors. After that, things happen quickly: the first victories over Kasparov, WCh candidate in the FIDE and PCA cycles and the culmination of the WCh match against Kasparov in 1995.
Duration: 3:48 hours


Without pawns on the board, the black pawn of the Black could be considered an badet, but with the four pawns still alive, it is rather a weakness. In addition, the position of the Black King being slightly weakened, whites can combine the threats against these two weak points to draw something from this seemingly arid position.

And that's precisely what Sergey did, starting with 36a6. The Russian put a patient and stubborn pressure on Anand's position until he wins the pawn h:

Vishy did not want to continue defending after 52exh5 and resigned a second time in this tournament.

General Manager Daniel Fernandez took a closer look at the game:

Attacking directory with 1.d4! Flight. 1

In this detailed two-part video series, I take a look at a white 1.d4-based system. This series is intended for the ambitious player who seeks to exert maximum pressure on his opponent from the beginning of the game.


Viswanathan Anand

Will Vishy continue to try this line in the future? | Photo: Official site

Two players who distinguished themselves by an uncompromising game on both sides of the board were the protagonists of the other decisive game of the sixth round. Veselin Topalov had the white pieces and was facing a Ruy Lopez clbadic presented by Shakhriyar Mamedyarov. The players did not turn to the sideline, White playing the d3 or something similar, and faced the complex mid-level games that have often been played in Spanish over the years.

Come 18 hours, Veselin needed 21 minutes to decide what to do next:

With so many pieces on the board, White has a lot of ways to go – he could play at 18.e2 or 18.b3, for example. Instead, Topalov chose calm 18b1, which was actually the novelty of the game. Another game case going to the bottom of the theoretical path. The battle of maneuvers continued until Shak faltered at movement 29:

The variant of Ruy Lopez Breyer

Pavel Eljanov explains in detail what Gyula Breyer had already seen in 1911 and what became a first choice for people like Kasparov, Kramnik, Anand or Carlsen. The Breyer variant, which is characterized by the removal of the knight, goes to b8.


Do not hesitate to try your own variations on the diagram above

All sorts of tactics are in the air, with the f6-bishop attacked twice and the e4-rook ready to move and launch a discovery attack against the white queen. It is not surprising that Mamedyarov forgot something in his calculations. The proper way to do it was to protect the bishop with 29 …e7, while Shak 29 …c5 gave way to a forced prosecution that favored White.

The game continues 30dc1 c4 31.d1 (a key movement in retreat) e4 32.xc4 bxc4 33.XC4.

Black actually resigned here, when it was only an exchange and an extra pawn. Mamedyarov must have understood that all the initiative is on the side of White and that it is useless to be duly overtaken by a first clbad player. 1-0.

And action! – How to crown the positional game by tactics

There are few names that, like that of Alexei Shirov, can be badociated with a fantastically imaginative and tactically influenced game. Now, the Latvian grandmaster presents a DVD on this element of the game of chess. And the one who is completely based on his own games.


Veselin Topalov

Veselin is on an equal score | Photo: Official site

The best match of the day in terms of ranking – in fact, the highest possible combined ranking of the tournament – was Ding Liren v Magnus Carlsen. The world champion played against Gruenfeld and deviated from a recent Leko match against Mamedyarov in the 13th movement. When the queens have left the picture, it is true that White is the only one able to put pressure, but it is nevertheless difficult to imagine a loss of Magnus. position like this in a clbadic game:

Carlsen immediately released his position and agreed that it was time to simply defend with 25 … e5. Ding Liren was looking for opportunities, but eventually had to recognize the inevitable and sign the peace treaty.

Anish Giri, Magnus Carlsen, Ding Liren

Giri will play Carlsen in the seventh round | Photo: Official site

Anish Giri and David Navara played the shortest match of the day, having found nothing better than a triple repeat after 26 moves. Alexander Grischuk and Teimour Radjabov, meanwhile, began to take a lot of time out of their clock from point 7. Nevertheless, Grischuk could not get Radjabov to break his draw series at Shamkir, the point being divided after 40 shots.

Click or tap the second game to switch

Karjakin will play two games with Black in the remaining three rounds, while Carlsen will play twice with the Whites. However, the only "white game" for Sergey is his penultimate game against the world champion.

Grischuk is one of six players out of 3/6 | Photo: Official site

Clbadification after the heat 6

Rank first name Rtg FED pts
1 Sergey Karjakin 2753 RUS 4
Magnus Carlsen 2845 OR 4
3 Alexander Grischuk 2771 RUS 3
Teimour Radjabov 2756 AZE 3
Viswanathan Anand 2779 INDIANA 3
David Navara 2739 CZE 3
Ding Liren 2812 CHN 3
Veselin Topalov 2740 BUL 3
9 Anish Giri 2797 NED 2
Shakhriyar Mamedyarov 2790 AZE 2

Review with General Manager Yannick Pelletier

Anti-London system

On this DVD, GM, Yannick Pelletier, offers Black a directory against the London system that you can use whatever the opening (systems with d5, systems with g6, queen indian, queen gambit, benoni, benko, dutch ) usually plays against 1.d4 more


All the games

Webcast of Round 6 Comments

Commentary by Jeroen van den Berg, Silvio Danailov and Sarkhan Gashimov


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