SHIELD chief's agents tease characters that could appear in the MCU


SHIELD agents from Marvel is the show that has challenged expectations over and over again. During the first season, no one thought it would last. After killing Coulson at the end of Season 5, we thought it was done.

Then he was given a six season. And a season seven.

But even with the seventh round presented as the definitive end, it may not be the last time we see these characters.

"There is always a chance," said co-host Jed Whedon at the San Diego comic-con panel. "Everything can happen."

Jed Whedon at Comic-Con 2019

Albert L OrtegaGetty Images

Is it something that could actually happen, or is Jed just trying to help us feel better when the show ends at last? Avengers: End of the game was the first Marvel movie to include a TV show character, so everything is possible.

One thing we are unlikely to see in SHIELDThe last season of, however, is any reference to the events of End of Game and especially that the Blip / Snap debacle, Jeph Loeb, head of the Marvel TV channel, said: "These stories unfold before this happens."

Also during the panel, Agent Coulson's star, Clark Gregg, spoke about the murder of his character, revealing that his last scene as Coulson was so emotional that he could not even repeat it .

"We really thought it would be the end," Loeb said of the decision to kill Coulson in season 5.

Clark Gregg at the San Diego Comic-Con 2019

Amy SussmanGetty Images

"We never know when we're going to shoot if we're going to have another season," added Gregg. "We were not sure if we knew what was written was really beautiful and was the culmination of many things.

"The membrane between fictional history and our real lives is becoming very thin – there is a lot of history and love and we have lived a lot together, so say" goodbye & " # 39; … I could not even repeat the scene. "

"It was an incredible episode to shoot … and nobody was more surprised than me to hear about [Gregg’s new season 6 character] Sarge. "

SHIELD agents from Marvel aired Friday night on ABC in the United States, while E4 airs the show in the UK. For all the Comic-Con news you need, you can go here.

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