Should some women have a mammogram at 30?


Experts do not know if some women should start screening sooner.

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What you need to know about mammography screening from 30 years old. Getty Images

A new study suggests that mammograms from the age of 30 may be suitable for women with certain risk factors, but experts say the screening method may not be effective for this group.

The study presented today at the annual meeting of the North American Radiology Society revealed that an annual mammogram beginning at age 30 could benefit women with dense bads. or a family history or personal history of bad cancer.

Researchers badyzed data from more than 5 million mammograms performed on more than 2.6 million women between 2008 and 2015 in 150 facilities in 31 states of the United States.

Mammography is the standard approach used to screen for bad cancer. The American Cancer Society recommends that women at average risk of bad cancer undergo an annual mammogram from age 45, and then every two years from age 55.

The company also suggests that women could choose to have a mammogram at age 40.

Other organizations, including the North American Radiology Society, recommend annual mammograms at age 40, but recommendations for younger women are not as clear.

"There is not enough published data on this topic, but most organizations recognize that women at risk of bad cancer need earlier or additional screening.

"Our findings suggest that mammography screening recommendations should be personalized based on the woman's age, bad density, personal history of bad cancer, and family history of bad cancer," she said. Dr. Cindy Lee, author of the study and badistant professor. Radiology at NYU Langone Medical Center, told Healthline.

Lee points out that in 2018, the American College of Radiology began recommending that all women be evaluated for bad cancer risk at the age of 30 years.

"Our findings raise the question of whether this baseline risk badessment should include a 30-year screening mammogram to determine bad density practices that routinely recommend screening 40-year-old women," she said. . "Future research is needed to evaluate the risks and benefits of performing a basic mammogram at the age of 30 years."

Although much research has been done on the 40 to 49 age group, Lee says it has been difficult to study women aged 30 to 39 because most women in this age group age do not undergo mammography. But that does not mean they are not at risk of bad cancer.

More than 1,000 women under 40 die each year from bad cancer in the United States.

"Most women diagnosed with bad cancer are 40 years old or older. However, according to the latest statistics from the American Cancer Society, 4% of bad cancers will be diagnosed in women under 40 years of age. With over 250,000 new bad cancer diagnoses each year, it's not a negligible number of women, "Dr. Lauren Nye, an oncologist at the University of Kansas Cancer Center, told Healthline.

In this latest study, Lee and colleagues evaluated three specific risk factors: a family history (considered a first-degree relative diagnosed with bad cancer, regardless of age), a personal history of bad cancer, or dense bads.

"Dense bads can mask underlying mammographic abnormalities, including bad cancers. Having more fibroglandular bad tissue (and less fat) is also badociated with an increased risk of bad cancer, "Lee told Healthline.

But experts not badociated with the study have advised caution during mammographic examination at age 30, especially on the basis of dense bads.

Dense bads are common in younger women. Research estimates that 74% of women aged 40 to 49 have dense bads, compared to only 36% of women aged 70. Most women under 40 have dense bad tissue.

Breast density in mammography refers to the amount of parenchymal tissue relative to the amount of adipose tissue in a bad. Parenchymal tissue appears white on mammography – as are cancerous mbades. Cancers can be harder to detect in people with dense bads.

Diana Miglioretti, PhD, professor of biostatistics at UC Davis School of Medicine, explains that, since most women in their thirties have dense bad tissue, the benefits of mammography for women with no personal history of bad cancer bad can not compensate for the risks.

"Women with dense bads are more likely to experience false alarms and benign biopsies following a screening mammogram. Screening for women in their thirties with dense bads will likely result in many false alerts and benign biopsies without much benefit, because of the very low rate of cancer in this age group, "she said. at Healthline.

Miglioretti points out that, according to current guidelines, "all women with a history of bad cancer should be screened annually (unless there is a double mastectomy), regardless of age".

"In addition, women with a risk factor that puts them at very high risk, such as women with a genetic mutation or anterior chest radiotherapy for cancer treatment, should start screening at a younger age," she says. she said.

"For other women, even those with a family history or dense bads, the benefits of screening mammography in the 1930s will likely outweigh the disadvantages of screening in this age group." because bad cancer is so rare in this age group, "Miglioretti added. .

Dr. Onalisa Winblad, a radiologist at the University of Kansas Cancer Center, says other forms of badessment may be useful for women under 40 years of age.

"At the age of 30, a woman should meet with her doctor and discuss the risk of bad cancer to determine whether early or complementary bad cancer screening could be indicated. The clinical bad examination by a qualified health professional can also start at age 20, she said.

At present, no country or organization has guidelines recommending mammography for women under 40, except in the case of personal history of bad cancer or other risk factors that would expose them to a very high risk.

"Mammography simply does not work well in younger women, mainly because of the density of bad tissue," said Dr. Deanna Attai, Clinical Assistant Professor at UCLA's David Geffen School of Medicine at Healthline. "In women with a family history of bad cancer, we often start screening 10 years before the diagnosis of the youngest parent, but in younger women, do not rely solely on mammography."

Attai said that for patients at increased risk due to genetics or the BRCA gene, they would start screening earlier and would often use other tests, such as MRI or ultrasound devices, in addition to mammography.

She recommends that women who are concerned about their bad cancer risk speak with their doctor and regularly conduct their own bad exams.

"It is prudent for women to practice self-awareness within the bad. Understand the sensations of your normal bad tissue and monthly changes, periodically check and report any changes to your doctor, "said Attai.

"In addition, know the risk factors and your family history of bad cancer and other cancers, and discuss it with your doctor. High-risk women may be recommended for mammography or other screening tests such as ultrasound or MRI, she said.

A recent study suggests that a mammogram beginning at age 30 could be beneficial for women with a personal history of bad cancer, family history or dense bads.

But experts say mammography may not be effective for women in this age group and other badessments would be more beneficial. Women concerned about their risk of bad cancer should consult their doctor.

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