Shun Criminality, Irona exhorts the body members


Deputy Governor of the State of Imo, Rt. Hon. Gerald Irona urged members of the National Youth Corps-NYSC Service stationed in the state to avoid any form of criminality, even though he accused them of complying with the law during their year of service in the United States. 39; State.

The Deputy Governor gave charge to the NYSC permanent orientation camp, Eziama Obaire, in the Nkwerre Local Government District, while addressing the 2019 Batch B Corps members who died after Mandatory orientation exercise of three weeks.

"I urge you to avoid the rapid enrichment syndrome, which leads to various criminal acts. Be ready to show love at any time and in all your endeavors. Only support the elements that will contribute to nation-building. Avoid hate speech and do not spread the lie. Be loyal, disciplined and respectful of the law. "

Deputy Governor Irona said, "In Imo State, we are committed to rebuilding our value system and infrastructure. We want an imo State whose citizens and inhabitants will be proud. "

"I badure you that the state government will continue to support the NYSC program. I also badure you that the good people of Imo State will receive you with joy. I urge you to identify their needs and help them respond to them. "

He badured NYSC officials that the state government would meet their infrastructure needs, while continuing to create an enabling environment for program development in that state.

Earlier in his speech, MCJ Eloeboh, National Coordinator of the Youth Department in Imo State, described the orientation exercise as intended to familiarize the body members with "Paramilitary skills, training in business management, values ​​and other contemporary issues".

"The course is also another real platform for the promotion of unity and integration, as well as for the spirit of collective responsibility, discipline, perseverance and resourcefulness."

He urged the members of the body to be humble in the performance of their duties, while accusing them of disinterested services to humanity.

A total of two thousand two hundred and ten (2,210) Corps members left the camp and were deployed to different parts of the state for their main mission.

The special adviser to the governor for inter-party affairs, the deputy governor, was accompanied by the deputy governor. L & # 39; Hon. Jeff Ojinika, Special Assistant to the Governor in charge of Youth, Engr. Rex Okoro and the main special badistant of the governor of public enlightenment, Eze Ugochukwu.

The others are: President, Transitional Committee, Nkwerre Local Government Area, Nze Nwadike Lawrence, Former Member of the House of Representatives, Hon. Rufus Omeire, head of the autonomous community of Eziama Obaire, his Royal Highness Eze Julius Osuchukwu, commander of the camp, Captain Abel Agbo, among others.

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