Silicon Valley should start hiring chaplains


I am a rabbi, so social media is not my main operating system. Nevertheless – like billions of other people on Earth – I am a user of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Why should not a sermon reverberate on as many virtual channels as possible? Our world is interconnected as never before because of these technological advances, and it is something that needs to be celebrated.

Yet the obvious needs are: Our spiritual lives have suffered as the use of technology has increased. We have forgotten how to pause, look at the screen, see and be seen. The ethic of the Internet is corroding as quickly as they develop.

The burden of responsibility for re-evaluating the effects of technology should not rest solely on users; suppliers of this technology also share this responsibility. After all, we occupy this new virtual landscape together. This symbiotic relationship is paralleled with Kabbalah, Jewish mysticism: the mekabel, recipient, can receive only what the mashpia, provider, can easily give.

That's why it's time for Silicon Valley to start hiring chaplains. on site in hospitals, prisons and social service agencies providing spiritual care to all: nurses, patients, wardens, prisoners, staff and clients. This is not so farfetched. Technology companies welcome gyms, mbadage therapists, honorary speakers and meditation spaces to contribute to the well-being of their employees. Why not chaplains?

Technology giants clearly recognize that some type of change is needed. Apple has recently recognized the iPhone's addictive issues by introducing software to monitor how long users spend with their mobile devices. Google has a similar application for its Android P. But is another application really the answer?

Ethical issues related to technology are likely to multiply and become more complex in the years to come. In the digital age, what is private and shared? What is inciting hatred and what is freedom of expression? And who gets to determine the answers?

Apple, Google, and Facebook describe themselves as the world's creative tools, search engines, and connectors – but they're more than that right now. They support the world now. Their reach is undeniable, shaping the very fabric of our lives. It's a deep responsibility. Chaplains can help the leaders and staff of these global organizations deal with them with greater spiritual awareness. They could facilitate and offer study groups, mindfulness practices, spiritual and pastoral counseling, ethics and philosophy workshops, weekend retreats. The possibilities are as open as a Google search.

Ignoring these concerns has consequences – as Facebook can certainly attest. After allowing businesses to reap millions of profiles without consent, Facebook faces a reaction from users, politicians and investors

If, as he claims, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg believes firmly that community, values ​​and ethics in his organization, he should be the first to bring chaplains on board.

For some, this might seem like a suspicious attempt at religious indoctrination. But this is not a dogma. Any clergy member who deserves his clothes knows that it is a buyer's market; the days of preaching only from the silo of the pulpit have long since disappeared. Spirituality is not limited to the synagogue, nor mysticism to the mosque, nor truth to the church. If God is everywhere, then there must also be godliness in the abyss online. Teachers of our various religious traditions can help us show where.

Whether they realize it or not, technology leaders write a virtual universal constitution. What they do is important for humanity. With a little spiritual guidance, maybe it will be easier for them to stop the emoji dam and hear the human voice.

Just as clergy advise their worshipers, patrons, bring chaplains to technical offices. Of course, it can be hard to imagine that the pope is giving a lecture on baduality to Tinder, but it's a new dawn. Everything is possible and this rabbi is ready for the unexplored border. Google, you know where to find me.

Avram Mlotek is a rabbi, writer, actor and co-founder of Base Hillel.

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