Simple test uses UV light to measure stress levels


Researchers at the University of Cincinnati have developed a simple biosensor using ultraviolet rays to measure levels of stress hormones in saliva, blood, urine or sweat. The researchers hope that the test will eventually become a home-based test kit that people can use to badess their stress. Other applications include monitoring people in highly stressful positions, such as pilots, to ensure they are able to perform their job safely.

Stress is linked to various health problems and is difficult to measure empirically without routine laboratory testing. This means that quick and repeated tests to track progress at home are out of the question. "Stress hurts us in many ways. And it falls on you. You do not know how much a period of short or long stress can be devastating, "said Prajokta Ray, a researcher involved in the study. "Many physical ailments such as diabetes, high blood pressure and neurological or psychological disorders are attributed to the stress that the patient has undergone."

A simple test to measure stress biomarkers would be very helpful in helping people maintain good health and change their lifestyle to reduce stress-related illnesses. Ray and his colleagues at the University of Cincinnati have developed a simple biosensor to measure levels of stress hormones in various body fluids. The sensor needs only a drop of blood, urine, saliva or sweat and can measure several stress markers at the same time.

A machine from the UC's nanoelectronics lab manufactures test strips capable of measuring biomarkers of stress.

"It does not measure just one biomarker, but several biomarkers," said Andrew Steckl, another researcher involved in the study. "And it can be applied to different body fluids. This is unique. This may not give you all the information, but it will tell you if you need a professional who can take over. "

The microfluidic test measures many biomarkers of stress, including hormones and neurotransmitters. Using a UV light-emitting diode and a photodiode, the device badesses the optical absorption of stress biomarkers in biological samples and provides an indication of their levels. The researchers hope that a commercial version will be possible so that users can perform these tests at home.

"You are not going to replace a complete laboratory blood test. That's not the intention, "said Steckl. "But if you are able to do the test at home because you do not feel well and want to know where you are, it will indicate if your condition has changed a little or a lot."

Study in ACS sensors: Label-free optical detection of multiple biomarkers in sweat, plasma, urine and saliva

University of Cincinnati

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