Singapore applauds Ghana for promoting peace | General news


Singapore commended Ghana for promoting peace and unity in diversity, especially in the context of the Fourth Republic Constitution, in order to create stability in the country.

Mr Hawazi Daipi, Singapore's High Commissioner to Ghana, said his country was ready to take advantage of the friendly atmosphere to maximize its investments in this country of West Africa.

Over the years, Ghana has developed good relations with Singapore, one of the Asian tigers, and has resulted in the sharing of development experiences, particularly in the areas of capacity building for information advancement. communication and technology, in the mutual interest of the countries. the two countries.

Mr. Osei Assibey-Antwi, who was speaking during a courtesy visit to the Kumasi Metropolitan Government Chief, said that such collaboration provided socio-economic benefits to the population. .
The visit aimed to identify investment opportunities in Ghana's second largest city, which has many investment potentials in the areas of tourism and culture, commerce and marketing.

The High Commissioner said that Singapore attaches greater importance to environmental sustainability and that, in pursuit of this goal, it is willing to work with Ghana to achieve the goal of sustainable development. (SDO) 15.

The objective emphasizes the need to protect, restore and promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably managed forests, to combat desertification, to stop and reverse land degradation and to reduce land degradation. biodiversity.

In his welcome address, Mr. Assibey-Antwi described various projects implemented by the government led by Nana Akufo-Addo, including the "Free High School High School (SHS)", "Planting to feed and create jobs" "(PFJ). , Project "A district, a factory (1D1F)", "A district, a dam" and other novelty programs structured to make life pleasant for the inhabitants.

Commenting on the government's "Youth Afforestation Program", the mayor explained that the initiative was aimed at improving the vegetation cover of the nation in general.

It is for this reason, he said, that the Assembly had implemented, over the past two years, a project called "Keep Kumasi clean and green", which had so far planted various tree species to improve biodiversity.

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