Singer Barbara Streisand changes the subject of serial abuse of boys by Michael Jackson | New


LONDON, March 26, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – Famous Hollywood star and singer Barbra Streisand said the violence "does not kill" Wade Robson and James Safechuck, who accused the artist Michael Jackson of badual abuse.

Streisand was interviewed by The Times of London after the release of "Leaving Neverland", a documentary that plunges into Jackson's private life, whose songs and dance steps have made him famous for decades. The documentary features accusers Jackson, Robson and Safechuck, who claim that the singer not only boosted their artistic career, but also subjected them to badual abuse.

– Barbra Streisand (@BarbraStreisand) March 23, 2019

While Streisand said she believed the charges against Jackson, who died 10 years ago, she claimed that their experience with the popular artist did not scare them permanently. Streisand said in an interview on March 22 that Jackson's badual needs were his badual needs, stemming from his childhood or DNA.

She told the Times, "You can say 'molest', but these kids, as you heard (adult Robson and Safechuck), they were delighted to be there. They both married and they both have children, so it did not kill them. "

Streisand also seems to blame some of the responsibility on the parents who allowed Jackson's intimacy with their children. "I feel bad for the kids," Streisand said. "I feel bad for him, I blame, I guess, parents, who would allow their children to sleep with him." Why would Michael need these little children dressed like him and wearing shoes, dancers and hats ?

Heroic and courageous @Barbra Streisand defends Innocent and Noble Michael Jackson because "his badual needs were his badual needs". Is it possible to be more morally degenerate than this fool of Malibu?

– Gad Saad (@GadSaad) March 23, 2019

After criticizing her comments on Twitter and elsewhere, Streisand then issued a statement in which she said she was "deeply sorry" and "deeply remorseful" for her statements.

In a statement posted on Instagram, Streisand, an Oscar winner, wrote: "To be perfectly clear, there is no situation or situation where it is acceptable that the innocence of the children are exploited by anyone. "She then wrote: The stories that these two young men shared were painful to hear and I feel only sympathy for them. The most important role of parents is to protect their children. It is clear that the parents of the two young men were also victims and seduced by fame and fantasy. "

Streisand is also excused on Instagram. "I am deeply sorry for any pain or misunderstanding that I provoke by not choosing my words with more attention to Michael Jackson and his victims, as the printed words do not reflect my true feelings," she writes. "I did not want to forget the trauma that these boys suffered in any way. I feel deeply remorseful and hope that James and Wade know that I truly respect and admire them for telling their truth. "

In "Leaving Neverland", Safechuck and Robson tell the camera their relationship with Jackson, alleging that the singer had badually badaulted them at Neverland Ranch and other California residences.

Despite growing criticism from her friend and former collaborator, Motown singer, Diana Ross, defended Jackson on Twitter, claiming he was "amazing and gorgeous".

That's what I want to heart this morning. I believe and believe that Michael Jackson was and remains an incredible incredible force for me and for many others.

– Mrs. Ross (@DianaRoss) March 23, 2019

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