Single parent receives $ 1.2 million reward for honesty


Mademoiselle Ackasiha Green, 24, a mother of two, was warmly rewarded for her honesty in returning millions of dollars from an ATM machine.

She now has enough money to finance her and her children's education, her upkeep, and a year's worth of dairy products for her children.

The Jamaican lady who allegedly handed a bag full of dollars to the police shortly after finding her, reportedly received many insults from family members and especially her mother for her decision. do not keep money.

Her mother called her the most stupid of all her children for making money, especially when she had borrowed $ 200 the day she found the money.

Information collected by Modern Ghana, indicates that Miss Ackasiha Green was facing financial difficulties and planned to go to school to study a housekeeping course. She told the media that she had returned the money she had found at the ATM machine at East Queen Street Central Police Station in downtown Kingston because she did not have to keep it. .

The carrier of the armored truck had apparently recovered the missing bag. He had apparently forgotten the money bag at the ATM.

According to information provided by the Jamaican Observer, this singular act committed by a mother of two has earned her many admissions both at home and abroad, especially in this difficult time when such voluntary acts honesty are very rare.

Ackaisha Green, a future student, received $ 1.2 million from Jamaica's J Wray & Nephew (JWN) Limited, which will begin its studies and that of her two sons, eight-year-old Jevanie, and Joshua, two years old. the Jamaican Observer.

JWN Executive Director Jean-Philippe Beyer and Tanikie McClarthy Allen, Director of Public Affairs and Sustainable Development, said last week that $ 100,000 of the reward would be paid out in the form of gift vouchers. food and that an additional $ 100,000 was set aside for a business venture. a fridge she asked.

The company has also partnered with Nestlé to provide Green with one year of dairy products for his two sons.

Through her act of honesty, Mrs. Ackasiha Green has become popular and now enjoys the admiration, praise and sympathy of charitable organizations for the rare attitude she has shown towards money. that she found unbound and who decided to give without any pressure from anyone.

She received several gifts from Jamaicans after her friendly gesture and also saw her present a gift certificate from the HEART Trust / NTA Entrepreneurial Agency, which will cover the cost of completing the Levels I and II of his Learning Center for Making a Living (LEAP). .

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Clement Akoloh
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