Six months in prison for selling horsemeat as beef


The former director of a French meat processing company was sentenced to two years in prison with 18 months suspended for involvement in the horse meat scandal in 2013.

Prosecutors have asked for a four-year sentence during the trial that opened on January 18 in Paris.

The court also confiscated a sum of 100,000 euros from Jacques Poujol's home and imposed a two-year ban on his stay prohibiting him from carrying on activities in the area.

The scandal started in the UK in early 2013 and has spread to all over Europe.

The Irish authorities originally discovered that horse meat was used in frozen hamburgers labeled "pure beef".

In total, four suspects were accused of helping to organize the sale of more than 500 tonnes of horse meat in 2012-2013 to Comigel, a French company that exports to a dozen European countries.

Comigel's parent company, Spanghero, has also been accused of having sold more than 200 tonnes of horse meat, mainly in the form of sausage merguez.

Investigators found that the horse meat used came from slaughterhouses in Romania and was handled by two companies based in Cyprus and the Netherlands.

He was later wrongly labeled as beef. Spanghero and Dutch middlemen Johannes Fasen and Hendricus Windmeijer are accused of pocketing the profits.

Fasen was arrested in 2017 in Spain and suspected of using the meat of stolen and sick horses and putting it on the market.

He was sentenced in the Netherlands for selling horsemeat as ritually killed halal beef. He bought the horses from Argentina and sold them in France.

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