Six treasures of Trump's ABC interview



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To expel a cough badistant to insist that he is treated worse than the leader of the American Civil War murdered Abraham Lincoln, to the possible existence of UFOs, President Donald Trump has dropped some number of remarkable lines in his interview with ABC News.

The president invited George Stephanopoulos, the main presenter of the American cable network, to document his life at the White House.

The one-hour broadcast, aired Sunday night, enlightened the president's thinking as he prepares to officially launch his re-election campaign for 2020 in Florida on Tuesday.

Helped cough expelled

When Mick Mulvaney, White House acting chief of staff, coughed in the background of the interview with the Oval Office, Mr. Trump became visibly upset and asked his main aide to leave the room.

"Let's do it, it coughs in the middle of my answer," said Trump. "I do not like it, you know, I do not like it."

"If you're going to cough, please leave the room," the president added, shaking his head and disapprovingly. "You can not, you can not cough."

The exchange took place while Mr Trump had defended his decision not to hand over his "fantastic financial record" to the US Senate, adding that he "could" reveal it someday.

Refuses the pollsters after the leak

The Trump campaign has fired several of its hired investigators after leaks showed that Trump was losing to Democrats next year in several key battlefield states, according to US media reports.

In the interview, Mr. Trump denied the existence of unflattering popularity figures, saying that his team's internal polls "show that I win everywhere."

He rejected opinion polls revealing that White House hope, Joe Biden, at the White House, was leading in states such as Michigan and Wisconsin. Mr. Trump said that "these polls do not exist".

On Monday, he returned to the topic on Twitter saying, "Only fake polls show us behind the Motley Crew" – a reference to the overcrowded Democratic presidential world.

Pbad the @realDonaldTrump Twitter message

Only fake polls show us behind the Motley Crew. We seem really good, but it is too early to focus on that. A lot of work to do! MAKE A GREAT AMERICA!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 17, 2019

End of @realDonaldTrump's post

Trump and Lincoln

Mr. Trump baderted that no president had ever been as badly treated as himself, including Abe Lincoln, who was shot dead.

"If you can believe it, Abraham Lincoln was supposedly very badly treated," he said. "But no one has been badly treated like me."

Mr. Trump, who calls himself a history student, has already made comparisons with the 16th president. At a rally in Montana last September, Trump said Lincoln's legendary Gettysburg speech, "was excoriated by the false news".

And during his first election campaign, Mr. Trump said, "With the exception of the late great Abraham Lincoln, I can be more presidential than any president who has ever held this position."

  • Trump would "take" foreign information about his rival
  • Trump withdraws after remarks of electoral interference

Trump on UFOs

Mr. Trump smiled and shrugged when ABC asked for information that naval pilots had seen unidentified flying objects.

"They say, I mean, I've seen and read and heard, and I had a very brief meeting about it," said the president. "But people say that they see UFOs.

"Do I believe it? Not particularly."

When ABC asked him if the US president would be made aware of any evidence of extraterrestrials, Mr. Trump did not answer the question directly.

He said, "Well, I think my big pilots, our big pilots, would know, some of us really see things a bit different than in the past, so we're going to see them, but we're going to watch them."


As the election season approaches, the Republican President announced that he would launch a new plan to reorganize the country's health system.

"Obamacare was a disaster," Mr. Trump told ABC while he was being driven into the presidential limousine dubbed The Beast.

He promised that the plan of "phenomenal health care" would be unveiled "in about two months, maybe less".

Last week, Mr. Trump teased the details at an independent event at the White House: "No one knows what it is, this is going to be a big surprise, but it will be a very nice one. "

New Air Force One design

Mr. Trump unveiled the reshuffle of the presidential jet known as the Air Force One, adding that he had personally overseen his facelift.

"There is your new Air Force One," he says, brandishing the plans for the new red, white and blue pattern plane. "I do it for the other presidents, not for me."

Aircraft should not be delivered until 2024.

Critics have compared the new design to the aircraft used by Trump Shuttle, an airline owned by Trump from 1989 to 1992.

  • Trump unveils new Air Force One design plans

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