Sixty-four percent of Ghanaians want SDG 16 to be a priority


By Iddi Yire, GNA

Accra, June 11, GNA – A survey conducted by
the West African Peacebuilding Network (WANEP), a regional civil society
The organization revealed that 64.7 percent of Ghanaians wanted sustainable development.
Development Objectives (SDGs) 16 ranked in order of priority.

SDG 16 aims to promote peace and peace
inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for
all and put in place effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

The study entitled "National Review of
Progress in Implementing the SDGs 16+ Ghana Peace Objectives and the Role of Civil Society
Organizations of Civil Society ", was carried out from January to March this year in nine
regions: Volta, Oti, Greater Accra, Ashanti, Bono, Ahafo, Savannah, North
and northeast.

The results of the study were unveiled on
Beatrice in Accra, by Beatrice Brew, Program Officer, Research and
Capacity Building, WANEP and Albert Yelyang, National Network Coordinator,
WANEP – Ghana, at a stakeholder meeting on research on
Voluntary National Review (ODV) of the SDGs.

The study, which had 394 respondents; in use
the mixed method: quantitative (survey questionnaire) and qualitative
(Group discussions and key informant interviews).

It included 14 interviews with key informants, 12
group discussions and administered about 390 polls

It should be noted that each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals
were treated separately in the survey.

Thus, the individual objectives were not achieved
compared to others and, therefore, do not add 100%.

The findings revealed that peace, justice
and strong institutions (SDG 16) had the highest scores, registering 64.7%
hundred, representing 255 "Yes" answers out of 394.

Of the 394 respondents, 183 (46.4%)
SDG 3 desired: Well-being and health, a priority over 394
172 respondents (43.7%) wanted decent work and economic growth
8) priotised.

With regard to SDG 6: Clean water and
Sanitation, 159 (40.4%) of the 394 people wanted it to be prepared to the detriment of the other

While for SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and
In infrastructure, 105 respondents out of 394 were of the opinion that
to be prioritized.

Of the 394 respondents, 98 (24.9%)
cent) wanted the SDG 5: gender equality to be a priority; while for the rest of
the SDGs, 31 (7.9%) of the 394 were in favor of their

With regard to creating awareness on the
73.9% of respondents said that the government had not created enough
while 18% said the government had created enough awareness;
with 8.1 saying that they were not sure.

Mrs. Brew said the purpose of the study
was to identify progress made in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals,
the challenges of the revision of the SDGs and the challenges of implementation at the national level.

She said that it was also to identify prospects
including the coordination of tailored awareness and civic education mechanisms and
support the consolidation of multi-stakeholder and multi-dimensional SDGs
Partnerships (MSPs) in Ghana as they relate to Objectives 5 and 16.

Ms. Levinia Addae-Mensah, program
Director / Deputy Executive Director, WANEP, said relying on the "Do not let anyone
behind, focusing on Goal 16 of the Sustainable Development Goals, WANEP and the
Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) has undertaken
badessment of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, focusing on
operationalization of Goals 5 and 16 at the local level.

She welcomed the government for taking the
audacious step to submit to the NRV process, which aims to examine the level of progress
in the implementation of the SDGs.

Mr. Yelyang said that the study revealed that
despite many positive points, in terms of implementation and achievement of objectives
in Ghana by 2030, the SDGs were up there in Accra, ministries and
Coordinating Agencies (MDAs), Regional Coordination Councils (RCCs), but may not be
located at the Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDA).

He recommended that a national SDO
The implementation program should include awareness raising, awareness raising and monitoring
frameworks on implementation and achievement of objectives.

Ms. Kristina Miletic, Project Assistant
GPPAC, Knowledge, Policy and Advocacy, which gave an overview of the VNR SDN in
Cameroon, said the ongoing conflict in Cameroon was hampering efforts to
achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.


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