Slack plans to become public after touching 10 million daily users


Slack plans to become public. The company behind the popular workplace chat application filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission today announced its intention to enter the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol "SK". In addition, the public offer will not raise funds for Slack; this will simply allow existing shareholders to start selling their shares.

In his report, Slack reported revenue growing rapidly, from $ 105.2 million to $ 400.6 million over the last three fiscal years. The company has been losing money all this time, but its losses are dropping, but at a much slower pace, falling to $ 138.9 million in the last fiscal year, compared to $ 146.9 million two years later. early.

Slack has 10 million daily users spread across more than 600,000 organizations using its application. Of these, the vast majority – over 500,000 – use the free Slack level, which the company says is designed to convince organizations to start paying. There were about 88,000 paying agencies as of January 31, compared with 59,000 a year earlier.

The repository also lists the potential risks faced by Slack, with one of them highlighting the particular threat posed by hackers. Since Slack's software contains an immense amount of sensitive communications, any such violation could negatively impact Slack. "Despite significant efforts to create security barriers to such threats, it is virtually impossible for us to fully mitigate these risks," the company writes. The company says it suffered a security breach exposing private information in 2015.

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