sleep asleep | good sleep | sleep problem |


A good night's sleep is the first victim of our busy life and our busy social life. The other culprit behind our sleep schedule is the relentless dependence of smartphones or any screen, thanks to social media and our new love for web series.


If you skimp on sleep, you also affect your work and your health. Yes, poor sleep is a medical risk. Sleeping experts agree that the human body needs 7 to 9 hours of sleep to function properly. As you sleep, your body works on your immunity and brain power among other important physiological functions. That is why lack of sleep has been badociated with a variety of diseases and conditions such as obesity, heart problems, hypertension and type 2 diabetes. The low immunity, the Compromised cognitive ability and decreased libido can also be added to this list.


Well, it is not necessary to press the panic button yet. There is good news for anyone who cheats while sleeping. You can reverse these conditions if you can determine the factors that prevent you from working and working on them. In addition to the known culprits such as caffeine addiction, stress and excess activities, there is a long list of insidious thieves you do not know. Here we talk to you about it.

You do not respect your lunch hour

Do you eat at the same time every night? Or are you the one who dines at 8pm tonight and midday at midnight the other day? Well, this can be a sleep spoiler. According to a study published in the journal Oxford Academic Inconsistent eating habits later in the day can interfere with sleep. In addition, if you indulge in after-dinner treats, such as desserts or other high-sugar options, your closing time will be affected. Therefore, you must stick to your food schedule every night and avoid unhealthy treats after your night meal.

You brush before bedtime

You must have heard that brushing your teeth before going to bed guarantees good oral hygiene. However, do you know that this hygiene habit can be a sleep thief? Yes, you read correctly. According to the National Sleep Foundation, in the United States, the refreshing scent of peppermint in toothpastes can boost your brain and make you feel alert. This can keep you awake until late at night. The scent actually increases the level of oxygen in your blood and, therefore, in the brain. The next time you visit the history of your ministry, you will buy one with a strawberry or chewing gum flavor.

You read e-book at night

Who ever said that reading was a bad habit? But diving into a tab or laptop to read an ebook at bedtime can hurt your rehearsal time. This will negatively affect your sleep quality. According to a new study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Reading an eBook at night can affect your sleep at night and your vigilance in the morning. The same is true if you use your phone or other electronic gadgets before you doze off. Scientists explain that the blue light emitted by these gadgets has a short wavelength that affects the biological rhythm of our body. This light can disrupt our internal clock and make it look like it's daylight. The study revealed that an exposure to blue light at night can delay your sleep for an hour by reducing melatonin secretion. Melatonin is a hormone responsible for regulating the sleep and waking cycle.

You like to sip lemon tea at night

Some people prefer to drink lemon tea after dinner because it is known to detox the body overnight. But do you know that it can actually rip you off sleep? Lemon tea can balance vitamins and minerals in the body, stabilize hormones and revitalize your senses. But it can also make you super energetic, which does not allow you to doze. So avoid this stimulating drink at bedtime if you want to sleep well.

You cuddle while sleeping

The core temperature of our body (temperature of the abdominal, thoracic and cranial cavities, containing the vital organs) must drop when we fall asleep. A warmer body temperature is badociated with more vigilance. Cuddling up in a warm bed with your partner, your kids or a pet can slightly increase your body temperature. This is likely to affect your sleep.

Vitamin D, vitamin B12 and iron deficiency

According to a study published in the journal PLOS OneVitamin D deficiency is badociated with lack of sleep and severe sleep apnea. This vitamin actually helps regulate our circadian clocks by activating two related genes. They control our 24-hour circadian rhythms. Therefore, keep your vitamin D level high, otherwise your sleep schedule may turn out badly. Sunlight is the best source of this vitamin. Some foods, including fatty fish such as tuna, salmon and mackerel, cheese, egg yolks, orange juice, etc., are high in vitamin D.

According to a study published in the journal To sleep, vitamin B12 improves the sleep-wake rhythm. Foods such as eggs, milk, meat, fish, poultry, etc. are good sources of this vitamin.
Iron deficiency has an indirect impact on your sleep. This causes problems like fatigue, anxiety and restless leg syndrome. All of these factors are badociated with sleep disturbance. To avoid such problems, include iron-rich foods such as spinach, whole wheat bread, kidney beans, red meat, and so on.

Posted on June 2, 2019 at 14:02

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