Sleep well | peace of mind | depression


You are completely at rest when you sleep. This is the moment that takes you to a place where your sensory and muscular activities are in a state of paralysis. We are totally ignorant of what is around us and do not know what is happening right next to us.

A good night's sleep plays an important role in your health and well-being. It protects your mental health as well as your physical health and improves your quality of life. As you sleep, your body is constantly working to keep the brain functioning and maintain physical health. In fact, lack of sleep can increase the risk of chronic health problems. It can also affect how you think, react, work and learn.

During this process, your muscles relax, the body temperature drops and breathing also slows down. Deep in your sleep, your body undergoes physiological changes that help improve the functioning of your immune system. Therefore, lack of sleep can directly affect the functioning of your body.

But it turns out that the inability to fall asleep and stay asleep as well as sudden awakenings are also badociated with many mental disorders. An alteration of mood, a sensation of irritation and anger, and a reduced ability to cope with stress are some of the undesirable effects of sleep deprivation.


Not getting enough sleep can hinder your levels of neurotransmitters and stress hormones. This, in turn, can directly affect your brain. This can alter your thinking and emotional regulation. In this way, sleep deprivation can not only affect your mental health, but also aggravate the symptoms of people with psychiatric disorders.


Depression is essentially a complex condition of mood disorder. It can be characterized by a lack of energy, a feeling of sadness and a loss of general interest for things already appreciated. Many of these symptoms are related to the amount of sleep you get and tend to increase when your body misses. Although this does not indicate that if you can not get enough sleep, it would of course mean that you are depressed. However, many people with depression also have serious sleep problems.

Many research shows that patients with depression also suffer from lack of sleep. It is also unlikely that they respond to treatments as much as patients who sleep enough. Lack of sleep or insomnia is also very common among people with suicidal thoughts. Patients seeking an improvement in their mood with antidepressants are also at increased risk of relapse if they are unable to get enough sleep.


Anxiety refers to a whole group of specific psychiatric disorders that involve extreme fear or anxiety and can cause mental distress. A large number of adult patients with generalized anxiety disorder suffer from sleep deprivation. This is a more common observation in children and adolescents. We also note that younger patients with anxiety disorders take longer to fall asleep and sleep shorter lives than younger people.

For people already suffering from anxiety disorders, a lack of sleep can aggravate the symptoms. Researchers at the University of California at Berkeley have found that anxiety-related parts of the brain are agitated when a person does not sleep enough. This means that sleep deprivation can have an even more negative effect on patients with anxiety disorders. The improvement in the quality and quantity of sleep can show positive improvements in these patients.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

It is a type of disorder that prevents you from paying attention and controlling impulsive behavior. In these conditions, you can also feel restless and hyper-active. In many cases, lack of sleep has been a problem for people with ADHD. The mood of people already suffering from ADHD can be affected more if a person is deprived of sleep. It can also cause concentration problems.

The sleeping problems that people with ADHD face are usually: difficulty falling asleep, sleep asleep, and shorter sleep times. In fact, the symptoms of ADHD and sleep disorder are so similar that it is sometimes difficult to say which is what.

Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder is also called manic-depressive illness. It is a brain disorder that can cause unusual changes in energy levels, mood and activity. Although bipolar disorder is not widespread, patients who are diagnosed with it often suffer from sleep problems. Symptoms include times when they go through abnormally high energy levels and periods when they feel extremely depressed. The disturbance of sleep is generally observed in both cases.

During manic episodes, most patients report less sleep. At the same time, excessive sleep or hypersomnia is observed in patients with depression. Experts in the field suggest that sleep deprivation can also trigger a manic episode in bipolar patients. Sleep-related problems seem to worsen just before a manic or depressive episode.


Schizophrenia is one of the rarest mental illnesses. This condition also has an badociation with sleep. People suffering from this disease tend to have interrupted sleep patterns. But the experts said that by examining and treating the patient's sleep problems, the symptoms could be alleviated.

Posted: 7 July 2019 18:59

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