Sleep with the television on is linked to weight gain, according to a study – BGR


We all know that many things can affect our weight. Cramming heaps of processed, calorie-dense foods is a big no-no if you are trying to straighten up, and making sure you do a lot of exercise will help you keep the pounds off. Simple, no? Well, a new study published in JAMA Internal Medicine establishes a very interesting link between some common lifestyle habits and weight gain in general, which is quite strange.

The study, which looks at women aged 35 to 74, shows that sleeping with television – or any other source of bright light in the bedroom – and putting on weight tend to go hand in hand. In fact, the data collected over a five-year period show that those who have a television or other light source lit during their sleep have taken more than 10 pounds during this period.

Getting adequate sleep quality every night is a hint at the top of the healthy lifestyle checklist, and lack of sleep has indeed been badociated with various ailments, including obesity. Lack of deep sleep and overall lack of sleep are both correlated with health problems, including obesity.

Artificial light harms the quality of sleep and this is one of the reasons why blue light attenuation has crept into our mobile devices and computers. That being said, a direct link between artificial light in a room and total weight gain is still a little surprising to see.

"These results suggest that exposure to [artificial light at night] during sleep can be a risk factor for weight gain and overweight or obesity, "conclude the researchers. "Further prospective and interventional studies could help elucidate this badociation and clarify whether reducing exposure to ALAN during sleep can promote the prevention of obesity."

Controlling calories and doing as much physical activity as possible should always be at the top of the list if you want to manage your weight, but this researcher has shown that there is also something else to consider.

Image Source: Image Source / REX / Shutterstock

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