Somalia opens vital oxygen plant in fight against Covid | General news


Somalia’s first large-scale factory producing much needed medical oxygen has been opened in the capital, Mogadishu.

The factory, which is located in the city’s main maternal and child health hospital, was made possible through a collaboration between the government and the Hormuud Salaam Foundation (HSF), a charity created by a large telecommunications company .

It will produce 1,000 oxygen cylinders per week and is seen as a huge step forward in strengthening the country’s public health infrastructure.

Over three decades of conflict have left the health sector in dire straits with little investment over the years.

The Covid-19 exposed the challenges facing the country.

Health Minister Fawzia Abikar Nur admitted at the opening ceremony that people had great difficulty obtaining medical oxygen, essential for saving patients’ lives, when the pandemic first struck.

So far, there were only two small private oxygen plants in the capital, neither of which produced the gas on a scale large enough to meet demand.

In addition to saving lives, HSF estimated that the plant will save the country’s health authority $ 2.6 million (£ 1.9) per year.

Source: BBC

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