Sonequa Martin-Green explains how "the red angel" changed everything for Burnham in "Star Trek: Discovery" –



Thursday's episode Star Trek: Discovery offered answers to some questions and introduced a number of news. The star of the series explained how all these important events and character relationships affected Micheal Burnham. Plus, we have more fun behind the scenes of 'The Red Angel'.

The world of Micheal Burnham has been upset

Star Trek: Discovery Star Sonequa Martin-Green was the guest of the week. The waiting room where she spoke at length about "The Red Angel" and what it means for her main character of the show. The actress first highlighted how Burnham's past shaped the character, including deciding to sacrifice herself in the trap to capture the Red Angel:

[Sacrifice] is a cornerstone of Michael Burnham, this complete dedication to duty and to principles and sacrifice. And you see that from Michael Burnham since the very beginning … This testifies to this complete need to almost rewrite the story. I made a lot of mistakes as Michael. I've certainly cost a lot of lives, all with good intentions. I grew up on Vulcan, knowing that the needs of the majority outweighed those of a few, but then, as a human being, I cared about a few and the One of them. So, it's the constant balance and this constant struggle to save everyone and somehow fix all the wrongs of the past and be absolved and do what I need to know that needs to be done because I've dedicated my life at this service.

However, the revelation that her parents were part of Section 31 and that it is actually Leland who bears responsibility for their deaths has turned the Burnham world upside down:

Much of what I am – a big part of my identity is rooted in shame and guilt. Because it started from the beginning. I always thought I was responsible for the deaths of my parents … And I was also responsible for the killing of these Vulcan children and teachers when the Vulcan Learning Center was bombed by Logic extremists. I was pseudo-responsible for Georgiou. There are so many things that I have been responsible for – obviously, the Klingon war. And so, to hear that the thing that triggered everything – the incident that caused all my guilt journey – did not happen that way. It was not because of me. It was because of what they were doing under the command of Leland. It's basically: the world you know is not the world you know … If that had not happened, I would never have been on Vulcan. I could have lived a normal life on Earth. I should not have equated with this other culture, which I appreciate the Vulcans' education, but it was very difficult. But the whole trajectory of my life would have been different if I had not been taken.

Martin-Green also explained how Burnham was touched by the scene of "The Red Angel" where Spock had forgiven his sister Micheal:

Finally, he forgives me because it is another thing that I carried shame, even if I did it to save his life. I thought it was the best there was. I was eleven years old. Yet I know it broke him, and the way he attacked me so furiously at our first meeting. It was two huge guilt points that I had to let go … I like the fact that the beginning of our return together is forgiveness.

"The Red Angel" – Ep # 210 – In the photo (from left to right): Ethan Peck as Spock; Sonequa Martin-Green as Burnham (CBS)

Explain Burnham's complicated relationship with Georgiou and Tyler

In addition to creating connections with Spock, "The Red Angel" includes a number of key moments with important characters from Burnham's life. Sure The waiting roomMartin Green gave a little more information about what's going on. Of course, a great moment was seeing Tyler and Burnham show their love with a big kiss. However, Martin-Green notes that this does not exactly mean that the two are together again:

There is almost a Romeo and Juliet aspect of it. There are always circumstantial issues. There are always things separating them. They are almost magnetized where they want to meet, but too many things separate them constantly … I do not know what is the kiss. I think that's a lot of things. I think it's ambiguous. I think it's a relief. I think it's the fact that they can not stay at a distance from each other. They understand that the situation is not really the best terrain to build on, but they can not help but love each other. And they can not fight it, even if all these things separate them, they continue to gather. We'll just see what happens with that. What does it mean? Will they be able to say goodbye, because that's what's best for them? Or will they get closer, because that's what suits them best? It's very, very complicated. And there is no answer. And it's the truth about love.

Relations between Burnham and the former Georgian Emperor are also complicated. Martin-Green has attempted to unveil the mystery of what is happening between the two:

We understand that we are not the counterpart of each other. I am not the girl you raised in the mirror universe. You are not my captain who has become my mother in many ways. But we can not help but love each other … The big problem is that there is no trust. That's what makes our relationship so thorny, so spicy. It's so shy because we love and respect each other, even if it makes no sense. We do not really know each other – Mirror and Prime … So I like that when we embark on this huge mission which will obviously be very sacrificial on my part, because we have to capture this Red Angel. We think it's me. And she loves me. I love how she reacts to the moment when I suffocate, when I die and that she thinks I want to go out and that she can not stand it anymore. I love the maternal instincts that have just come out.

"The Red Angel" – Ep # 210 – On the photo: Michelle Yeoh in Georgiou (CBS)

The comfort of Frakes

Martin-Green also talked about working with Star Trek: the new generation veteran Jonathan Frakes who has now made three episodes of Discovery, including the previous week:

He is one of our favorite directors because he brings the context of Trek. So when we're in a space with his presence, we're going to "wow, we're doing Star Trek!" He greeted us from the start. He directs us in a way so beautiful, paternal and almost fraternal. We can really trust him. It is a comforting place on which we can land. He is also an actor. So all his choices – you have this tacit understanding between you and you speak the same language. It's such a free space to work with him.


Martin-Green was enigmatic when he was asked about the last scene of "The Red Angel" when it appeared that the Red Angel was actually his mother (who was supposed to be deaf):

We think at this point that the Red Angel is me, so it's a huge revelation. To say that Leland was responsible for it, so I do not know what reality is. I have just died for a moment. So, is it fantastic? Is it a vision? Or is it real? We do not know at this point. When we live near death experiences, you see things. You see visions of people who have pbaded. You dream a little and leave your body that way. So, is this one of those out-of-body visions or is it real? We can not believe it.

You can watch the full interview below.

Behind the scenes of "The Red Angel"

Actor Doug Jones revealed that he had actually sung Kelpien's funeral song for Airiam's memorial.

Yes, it was really me who was singing tonight @startrekcbs episode. I was terrified when I saw the script, especially because it was in kelpien (which is new to all of us !!). I was the soloist of my church, so I dug deep for courage. #StarTrekDiscovery

– Doug Jones (@actordougjones) March 22, 2019

The special effects artist, Timothy Peel, went on Twitter to explain how he had tried to reveal how organic Airiam was in relation to cybernetics.

#StarTrekDiscovery Thank you very much to @NevillePage for having created such a brilliant drawing for Lieutenant Cmdr. Airiam. What reveals a 23rd century scan of an augmented human? How much of it is cybernetic vs. organic? I tried to answer that on a screen / a scene.

– Timothy Peel (@ timothypeel1) March 23, 2019

Speaking of this scene, Airiam actress Hannah Cheesman highlighted an Easter egg with a cameo by makeup artist James MacKinnon.

The last murmurs of my dear #airiam last night, after a breathtaking funeral scene. thank you for everything @startrekcbs @CBSAllAccess HOT NOTE it's James Mackinnon our prosthetics of the head !! #cameo #LLAP when is the last time you have cleared your memories by a #Emmy Win the guy ?!

– Hannah Cheesman (@HannahCheesman) March 22, 2019

Anson Mount also shared some behind-the-scenes footage from the location of The Red Angel.

Essof IV

– Anson Mount (@ansonmount) March 22, 2019

Another behind-the-scenes view of Essof IV.

– Anson Mount (@ansonmount) March 23, 2019

Sirits offers advice

"The Red Angel" saw Admiral Cornwell alter his training in therapy and advise Dr. Culber. This drew the opinion of the actress behind Deanna Troi, the most famous Star Trek advisor. Marina Sirtis appealed to Twitter to offer her services to actress Jayne Brook of Cornwell.

I'd love it – so excited to see this tweet. thank you, @Marina_Sirtis! #Disco #StarTrekDiscovery #StarTrekCounselors

– Jayne Brook (@thejaynebrook) March 22, 2019

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