Songwriting can hit the right therapeutic note in PTSD


CHICAGO – A new study suggests that a new collaborative song-writing intervention can reduce the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

In this small but groundbreaking study, veterans and military members of Songwriting With: Soldiers (SW: S) songwriters and songwriters reported a 33% decrease in PTSD Military version (PCL-M) after 4 weeks.

"We badume that our veterans showed an improvement because they were using their personal narrative of trauma and experiences, which could therefore constitute a unique form of exposure therapy for this population," said researcher Ron Hirschberg, badistant professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. , Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, Mbadachusetts, said Medscape Medical News.

"This hypothesis is corroborated by a significant reduction in the symptoms of hyperexcitation, which also occurs during treatment by exposure," said Hirschberg.

The findings were presented here at the 2019 conference of the American Association of Anxiety and Depression (ADAA).

Sharing stories through music

The researchers noted that the clinically significant benefits of music have been well documented in all areas, from neurodegenerative disorders to molar extraction.

In addition, "the use of integrative health modalities to support the treatment of stress-related mental health problems among military populations is on the rise," they add.

The investigators collaborated with SW: S, a Nashville-Tennessee-based organization that aims to introduce the art of songwriting to veterans with PTSD.

The present study focuses on 10 active veterans and military personnel (90% male, middle age, 35 years old) with a history of PTSD and depression; six also had a history of traumatic brain injury. All were paired with SW: S songwriter for a 2 hour collaborative writing session.

"This study was designed for all veterans, regardless of their musical background or abilities, so veterans are not expected to write their own music," said co-investigator Louisa. Sylvia, PhD, badociate professor of psychology at Harvard Medical School. Medscape Medical News.

"Instead, they share their story with a professional songwriter and together they write the song, which is finished and recorded before returning home that day," she said.

Participants were encouraged to listen to their songs daily during a four-week follow-up period.

They also received a FitBit for recording physiological variables such as heart rate and number of stages, as well as psychological badessments before, during and after the procedure.

All veterans had previously participated in a previous intensive therapy program, but psychotherapy was not part of the songwriting intervention.

Substantial improvement

The results showed a significant 33% decrease in PTSD symptoms from baseline to follow-up, as shown by PCL-M scores (46.9 vs 39.0). P = 0.03).

Decreases in depression, as badessed in the Patient Health Questionnaire-9, were lower (22%) but also observed (P = 0.07). However, no significant changes have been observed in the physiological data from before to after the intervention.

"We were surprised to see such substantial improvements, as participants were recruited after a two-week intensive clinical program for PTSD, so the initial symptoms were mild to moderate or non-severe," said Sylvia.

With the encouraging results, researchers are planning larger studies.

"Given the positive results of our pilot study, both in terms of symptom improvement and acceptability (veterans are very appreciative of recording, listening to and sharing their song), we are looking for more funds to better understand how collaborative writing helps veterans feel better, "Sylvia said.

She pointed out that investigators had recently submitted a grant to examine whether the psychophysiological response of veterans, such as heart rate or respiratory rate, "is attenuated while listening to their song, suggesting they find an improvement in the symptoms of hyperarous. "

"This study would help us identify the mechanism or cause of symptom improvement in veterans with PTSD," she added.

400 songs

The SW: S program hosts retreats and workshops where veterans and military members have teamed up with accomplished songwriters.

Mary Judd, Co-Founder and Program Director, noted that this initiative was developed after seeing profound effects among veterans who were involved in informal songwriting collaborations with Darden Smith, songwriter and longtime friend. dated.

Smith, the founder and creative director of SW: S, "wrote a song with a veteran, and what I saw happen was so much of the positive psychology research that was going on right in front of me, where a young man who had for five years in the army, he was sitting with someone with whom he had nothing in common, sharing stories and living this unique experience, "said Judd Medscape Medical News.

"You could see this release coming on the veteran, and in the end, there was a song that summed up one of the stories of the man," she said.

Judd added that research has linked such positive experiences to greater resilience, and that veterans seem to be clearly transformed by the experience.

Veterans are often referred to SW: S through contacts with VA hospitals and VA centers, as well as by mental health professionals. There is no participation fee.

"We're just asking them to come here on their own, and the program is funded by donations and volunteers," Judd said.

According to the organization's website, more than 400 members of the military and family members have written more than 400 songs.

Applauded effort

Commenting on the results for Medscape Medical NewsBeth Salcedo, MD, president of the ADAA and medical director of the Ross Center, Washington, DC, said she applauded this effort as it offers an important option to people struggling with PTSD.

"There is such a stigma for mental health in general, but especially for veterans with PTSD, so I think that everything that concerns people with mental illness and does not feel stigmatized is impressive," Salcedo said. .

She added that "there is a lot of science" in terms of what music does to attract attention and memory.

"So I think that considering any new intervention for groups excluded from voting rights or who have not responded well to treatment is a very smart way," Salcedo said. "The process of writing songs can allow people to access emotions that they could not reach other than speaking, so it makes sense to continue down that path."

The investigators of the study and Salcedo did not report any relevant financial relationship. Judd is the co-founder and program director of SW: S.

Conference of the American Association for Anxiety and Depression (ADAA) 2019: Abstract S1-165. Presented on March 29, 2019.

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