Sony excited about the first patent for PS5


Shortly after learning that Sony wanted to equip the PlayStation 5 with the technique of "ray tracing" and establish new standards of graphics, there is now another speculation on the game console eagerly awaited. This time, the Japanese feed the rumor mill itself, with a new patent application.

>>> Read: PS5: "Raytracing" should provide the best graphics

Sale, transfer and exchange

Sony has filed the new patent with the US Patent Office. The application number 10.238.958 could revolutionize the resale of digital games. PS5 owners should be able to resell or donate their digitally acquired games. In addition, digital games should also be exchanged. Thus, they would no longer be linked to the account of the owner of the PlayStation.

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If the successor to the PS4 actually allowed the transfer of digital content, players would win of course. Because they could transmit their games downloaded and protected by codes. Since many patents simply disappear in the company drawer, it is not certain that the top console will actually provide the new feature.

Previous rumors about the PS5, you can read the following links:

> PS5 with 2 cameras, superior chip and super controller

> PS5 should be compatible with earlier versions

> PS5 is coming with disk drive

Insider: "PS5 will be a performance monster"

> Sony boss confirms "PlayStation 5"

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