Sony Hands Ghostbusters 3 An official release date


Last week we received the shocking announcement that Sony's development Ghostbusters 3, a new opus of the franchise that ignores the restart of 2016 and is a real sequel to the original movies of the 80s. Jason Reitman, son of ghost hunters The co-creator and director Ivan, will pbad behind the camera and at that time, we were told that this would happen in the summer of 2020.

However, we now have a specific date, Sony announcing tonight that the third will be with us on July 10 this year. And with Morbius should arrive a few weeks later – its premiere on the 31st – seems to be a pretty good month for the studio.

So, now that we have a release date, and since it is not too far away, all eyes will begin to turn to the details of the plot. From what we understand, Ghostbusters 3 will see the pbading of the torch to a new generation of much younger busters, telling the story that it will focus on four children in the teens / pre-teens age group. This premise has elicited mixed reactions so far, but I guess we'll know if it's worth it in about a year and a half.

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Of course, the other big question people ask is who the original cast could come back to. At first, we were told that they would all be back. Well, those who are still here, that's it. But then, Ernie Hudson clarified things by explaining that no one had asked him to appear in the movie yet.

As for Bill Murray, we probably imagine him very skeptical about the situation after his pbadage in the terrible restart of 2016, and could very well be done with the series. Dan Aykroyd, meanwhile, seemed much more optimistic about returning to the franchise over the years, but again, nothing was confirmed at the time of writing.

With Ghostbusters 3 locked for July 10, 2020, you can bet we'll start getting a better idea of ​​what to expect as soon as possible.

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