Sony will stop Driveclub sales in 2020


Driveclub, one of Sony's most popular games, is closing its doors to not meet economic expectations.

Driveclub, released in the last quarter of 2014 and which managed to announce its name in the first quarter, will soon bid farewell to the players, even if they do not have big problems.

The review of Driveclub by Sony is mainly explained by the inability to meet the economic expectations. In addition, the closure of Evolution Studios in 2016, which evolves Driveclub, can be considered as another main reason.


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On March 31, 2020, Sony decided to permanently close the servers of Driveclub, Driveclub Bikes and Driveclub VR. On August 31, 2020, the sale of all these products will be stopped forever.


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Although Driveclub is a game that must be played online for the atmosphere and events it offers, the users who are part of it will be able to continue playing offline.

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