South Africa: Vice President David Mabuza – Launch of the Meerkat Telescope


Keynote Address by Vice President David Mabuza at the Launch of the Meerkat Telescope in Carnavon, Northern Cape

Program Director,

Minister of Science and Technology, Mamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane, [19659005] Ministers and Former Ministers,

Ambbadadors and High Commissioners,

Board of Directors of the International Organization SKA,

Distinguished International Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today is a special day of pride the continent of Africa. This day represents some of the milestones of the successful integration of science, technology and innovation into our solutions to our development challenges in our quest to catch up with the rest of the world and bring our contribution to world civilization.

The Vision 2030 National Development Plan, which is our plan to position South Africa on a broader development trajectory, states that "science, technology, and innovation must play a role growing in skills development, job creation and economic growth ". nation to respond to the emerging opportunities that are presented to humanity through the evolution of science and technology, the African National Congress, as a ruling party, is committed to in transformative science, technology and innovation. takes into account the evolution of debates, research findings and inventions precipitated by the evolution of the Industrial Revolution

For our part as a South African Government, our Department of Science and Technology technology invests in research and development to achieve the coming of this revolution. To that end, we will develop a publicly funded science, technology and innovation action plan over the next 12 to 18 months, which will have socio-economic repercussions.

Through judicious investments in research and development, the Ministry of Science and Technology is helping South African industry to grow and create more jobs by building scientific, technological and research-based capabilities. knowledge.

This international partnership of Square Kilometer Array strengthens our collaboration as partner countries, scientists and researchers. actors in the sector. This collaborative work will unleash the full potential of our research and development that responds to the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.

The creation of future value lies in humans and machines working together to create new user experiences, new products, new services

We are showing today to the world and to ourselves that nothing is impossible once we have set ourselves a common goal and have pooled our resources to achieve that goal. As an African continent, we take this opportunity to thank the world for having trusted us and for entrusting us with a world-wide scientific project of this magnitude.

Today, we are launching SKA Phase 1 in the form of the 64 MeerKAT Radio Telescope. We are proud that a project of this magnitude was completed on time and within the originally planned budget of 3.2 billion rand. This efficiency and accuracy demonstrate our ability to manage large projects.

It is for me a great honor to be part of this historic launch moment of the MeerKAT telescope in the beautiful province of Northern Cape.

We also wish to convey our gratitude in Africa to the SKA donors and coordinating consortium that has compromised Australia, Canada, China, Germany, India, the United States, and the United States. 39, Italy, New Zealand, Sweden, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. and the brothers who supported the South African bid for this iconic instrument to be built on our land. To the people and governments of Botswana, Namibia, Mozambique, Madagascar, Mauritius, Kenya, Zambia and Ghana, it is also your success

As you know, the SKA project is a international effort to build the largest radio telescope in the world. with a collection area of ​​about one square kilometer.

This iconic instrument will produce a science that changes our understanding of the universe. It will be co-located in Australia and Africa.

This is a factor that deserves to be mentioned as the telescope will be the largest of its kind in the world, with a quality of image resolution exceeding the Hubble Space Telescope by a factor 50. This will give the SKA unprecedented scope in the observations, allowing it to produce a transformational science

We recall with great enthusiasm that South Africa's involvement in the SKA has started in 2001, when the country was an observer of the project. This observer status has turned into an expression of interest in bidding for the telescope hosting

It is now our proud history that the eight African countries that I am I mentioned above have become a solid part of the African candidacy. The state and the government of the African Union have supported our proposal to host the SKA and have committed Africa to participate in the global SKA project. The success of this project shows that it is possible to achieve the Vision 2063 of Africa

We welcome the African Ministerial Council on Science and Technology which recognized the potential of this project and made from SKA a lighthouse. We thank all the former Ministers of Science and Technology who, in their various roles, laid the groundwork for this work and ensure that South Africa integrates with the world in the pursuit of Technological Advances

Africa's vision for astronomy is to become a hub for science and astronomy facilities, as stated in our 10-Year Plan for the Future of Astronomy. Innovation 2008 to 2018, and the National Strategy of Multi-Length Astronomy adopted by our Department of Science and Technology in 2015.

One could say that the universe is on our side.

South Africa has a natural geographical advantage that makes it suitable for advanced astronomy research in a multi-wavelength continuum.

By flagship astronomy projects like the MeerKAT here in Carnarvon, the large Southern African telescope at Sutherland and the African network of very long-based interferometry, the country is gradually positioning it in as World Center of Excellence in Multi – Length Wavelength Astronomy Research

We have rapidly embraced South Africa to preserve our geographical advantage by adopting the. Astronomy Geographic Advantage Act of 2007, one of the most progressive legislation in the world. 19659035] We must launch the MeerKAT 64 dishes to this conservation movement. But an important step was taken when, with the integration of 16 dishes, the image First Light was obtained

C & # 39; was a clear indication that the MeerKAT, once fully operational, would take its place among the main research instruments of the world. 19659037] As a result, the MeerKAT was recognized by the construction industry when it became the first recipient of a special Platinum Award at the 2017 Logistics Achiever Awards. excellence in the application of the principles of operational logistics and supply chain management.

The longevity and sustainability of the SKA project is anchored in the fact that we have succeeded in developing internal capabilities on the continent. The MeerKAT project is an iconic scientific instrument entirely designed by South Africans. In addition, 75% of the components involved in the construction of MeerKAT came from local sources.

During construction, more than 135 million rands were spent on local suppliers and 351 people were trained by leading SKA contractors. In addition, more than 110 million rand were awarded to 16 small and medium – sized enterprises through a financial badistance program

which allowed local industries and institutions to invest in the area. acquire skills and expertise in advanced technologies. There is no doubt that the launch of the MeerKAT strengthens the prospects for a greater role of South Africa in building the SKA and promises many benefits for the country and the region as a whole.

on the North Cape real estate sector, which has led to new economic opportunities for local communities.

I am pleased that the SKA project has had a direct impact on the creation of jobs, thus changing the lives of many families. The SKA project has created 7,284 job opportunities through the construction of the MeerKAT and related projects.

These projects include the acquisition of land, the resurfacing of 80 km of road, the construction of 110 km of power lines, the deployment of fibers, ladies and gentlemen,

I must share with you that the The spinoffs of the SKA project have become useful in advancing our national innovation system.

The Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy The Observatory, the MeerKAT, the Square Kilometer Array and the African Very Long Base Interferometry Network were recently declared as a new national facility

which places them all under the auspices of the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory. This is an important step towards our ambition to create medium- and long-term, a national institute of astronomy to house all aspects of astronomy in the country.

The MeerKAT has already made a significant scientific contribution, observing a rare activity of an exotic star known as the magnetar

This observation and the subsequent publication of an article in The Astrophysical Journal demonstrates the exceptional capabilities of MeerKAT as a new instrument of scientific exploration.

In 2017, the Southern African Large Telescope and MeerKAT telescope also played an important role in an important astronomical event involving the observation of gravitational waves.

This proves that our telescopes have joined the league of globally sought-after instruments to lead great sciences.

We are aware that the sustainability of the SKA project would be doomed to failure without any support development program. The program awarded 961 scholarships in science and engineering, including 133 scholarships to recipients from other African countries.

SKA South Africa also introduced mathematics and science to the local school and employed a teacher for these subjects. Currently, learners from surrounding Carnarvon towns are staying at the Carnarvon High School Inn to study these topics.

Through this initiative, 7 students obtained good pbades and are enrolled in various universities. The number of Carnarvon High School learners benefiting from undergraduate scholarships and funding colleges for technical and vocational education and training continues to grow

The SKA will further badist local schools with educational programs. School Management, Computing and Literacy, One can not overemphasize the importance of early childhood development to train future scientists, as this lays the foundation for holistic development while cultivating learning throughout life.

Training center to create a pool of artisans and semi-skilled workers in Carnarvon and nearby towns.

Twenty-one graduate students at the center found a job at SKA. Twenty-five others are currently undergoing experiential work-based learning at SKA and will complete the commercial tests in 2019 with the prospect of being employed on the project.

Other local partnerships and tourism projects will support this SKA. 19659040] The geographical position of South Africa has allowed the radio telescope of the time of hydrogen Reionization Array to be located in the Karoo Astronomy Reserve. This will allow astronomers to study the formation of the first stars and galaxies in the universe.

We are pleased to announce that the consortium led by SKA South Africa has received approximately 2.2 million euros from the Horizon 2020 Fund of the European Union to undertake a detailed design of the project. Infrastructure for the SKA site.

Last week, July 5th, we welcomed the Ghanaian President, Nana Ado, during a state visit. During this visit, our two countries strengthened their partnership and economic relations.

We note with pride that Ghana has recently become the first of eight African SKA partner countries in South Africa to complete the conversion of a redundant communication antenna into a functional radio telescope. . The telescope was successfully launched in Kuntunse, Accra, August 24, 2017.

Since its launch, the Kuntunse radio telescope has successfully completed its first-light observations. This is testimony to the hard work of the teams in South Africa and Ghana, the support of their European colleagues and the vision of the African project of very long baseline integration networks, which reinforces the preponderant role of the team. Africa in the international project SKA. 19659026] The consolidation of Africa's collective effort is a demonstration that the continent does not give up the application of science, technology and innovation to solve our problems of development. Africa has a lot to contribute to the advancement of science, technology, and innovation.

The launch of this MeerKAT project bears witness to this fact. Science is the instrument we will use to accelerate the achievement of our sustainable development goals.

With these few words, I invite the world to come and see what the combined efforts and collaboration of all partner countries can accomplish to advance human civilization

Thank you.

Published by: The Presidency

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