Space News: NASA to Send Automatically Loading Robotic BEES to International Space Station | Science | New


In 60 years of existence, NASA has built a reputation as a pioneer in technology. From precision GPS to powerful batteries, NASA's advanced technologies have penetrated into every corner of modern life. And NASA unveiled its latest creation – robotic "bees" to help astronauts.

ISS is about to take delivery of a couple of robotic bees able to automate simple and responsible experiments with routine tasks.

Called Astrobees, this compact cuboid planetary robot has been studied and developed by the NASA Ames Research Center, after several years of development.

And two of them will leave for the space station in orbit in a few weeks.

The flying robot of a square foot has several cameras and sensors for navigation, crew monitoring, sampling activities, logistics management and other routine tasks.

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A touch screen, a speaker and a microphone are also part of this compact package.

And a mechanical arm allows the Astrobees to manipulate various tools.

Astrobee uses a fan-based propulsion system to move around, and the current comes from an onboard battery. When it starts running out, the robot will automatically head to a nearby dock for recharging.

NASA has indicated that it wants to use its Astrobees to learn more about how humans interact with robots for extended periods and close to each other, adding that its research was essential for future missions on the Moon and beyond.

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An astrobee is able to perform routine tasks, freeing up time for astronauts engaged in more complex experiments.

NASA said: "For example, with tens of thousands of tools and parts to monitor, Astrobee can scan the ISS to constantly check the location of objects with its RFID scanner, instead of forcing astronauts to spend their time by hand.

"Astrobee can also monitor environmental conditions such as air quality or sound levels, which can become very noisy on the ISS, thus freeing up astronauts' time while keeping them healthy."

Ground return controllers will be able to fly over the station and inspect the surroundings with the help of Astrobee's camera, as a result of the improved communication systems of the ISS. .

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"They can see and hear the station's activities through the microphone and free-flyer cameras, monitor and conduct experiments or supervise routine remote tasks, almost as if one were there," she added. NASA.

The Astrobee project builds on the success of SPHERES, NASA's first-generation robotics badistant, who arrived at the ISS in 2006.

Newcomers will also meet CIMON, an artificial intelligence robot developed by Airbus and the German space agency DLR, and powered by IBM's Watson supercomputer.

CIMON, which uses fans in the same way as the Astrobee, has been badisting the ISS team in its research since its arrival in 2018.

His AI allows CIMON to understand his interactions with crew members.

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