Spoilers Coronation Street – Mikey North reacts to Gary Windass's twist


Note: This article contains information about the latest episode of Coronation Street.

Coronation Street ended two months of mystery by revealing Gary Windbad as Underworld roof saboteur.

The episode of Friday night (May 31) saw the truth finally confirmed to viewers, since Gary was seen listening to an unbearable voice message that he had left on Sarah Platt's phone , confessing everything.

As Gary has now removed the message, Nick Tilsley will remain the main suspect in the eyes of local residents over the next few months.

Hiding his dark secret, Gary will try to get his life back on track, but is once again involved in the risky Rick Neelan's risky shark trade. Looks like the new street villain is just beginning …

Here, Mikey North – who plays Gary – reveals his reaction to this major transformation of his character.

What did you feel when you discovered that Gary was the culprit?

"I discovered it a few months ago, it was difficult to keep it hidden for so long, it was helpful that Gary was concealed, really – you never really thought that it would be safe. He was the number one suspect, and his reaction when Sarah asked him the question was perhaps a slight sign of guilt, but the fact that he was not told also helped.

"But if you look at it now, you'll see subtle clues that it was him.You will see him in the background watching Imran take care of his job and he'll have it." look rather guilty. "

Was it difficult to play these subtle allusions without revealing them?

"As an actor, the trend is to put that in all the scenes and take it with you, but that might have given the game too soon here." 39 other problems to face, which kept him silent, so I've reduced his reaction. "


Have you had to stay quiet with your family and friends?

"We did not know that it was me and I kept it like this.I remember going to see the boss and it was exciting to learn what l & rsquo; Future was reserved for Gary, it's really great to play and many more come again. "

When the fans asked you who did it, did you have a "fall guy"?

"Yes, Nick until the end, he looked pretty guilty, is not it?" Nick and David hate poor Windbad in all scenes, even though it's not not written in the script, so I was more than happy to blame Nick! "

Why did Gary sabotage the roof?

"He desperately needed work, and Sarah and he were sleeping on air mattresses at the Platts and Gary could not work." Then Carla was sitting on the fact that the factory roof needed to be repaired.

"It's not going to fall off anytime soon, but Gary thinks he could speed up this process, he would force her hand to do the job sooner.

"He damaged the roof a bit more, with the intention of getting things done, but he still could not have fallen if Gina and Sally had not demonstrated in front of her to protest. did not expect someone to be in the building of the building. " weekend where he has altered it and he certainly has never intended to hurt anyone.

"He was just desperate to find work, but as always with Gary, he is doing something in the heat of the moment, and then he has to pay the price."

Gary Windbad talks to Seb Franklin in Coronation Street


How does Gary feel when he learns that Rana is dead?

"Shocked and devastated, then going away trying to hide his guilt … Gary never wanted to hurt anyone, he just wanted a better life for him and Sarah." All he did was he did it for Sarah, but over time Sarah started to distance herself from Gary, it seems like everything was for nothing. "

Is Gary consumed by his guilt?

"There are times when he's so overwhelmed by that, but Gary gets out of it, he's desperate to keep Sarah, and suddenly he needs to worry about even more important things with Rick." A problem is suddenly overshadowed by a other.

"If he thought things were going badly after the collapse of the factory, his life will soon get worse for Gary."

Will we see a return to the old Gary?

"Gary's darkest and most cheeky side has always been there – it's a Windbad after all – when he started in the series, he was very impetuous and still in trouble, but he later joined the army and I think it helped him to recover a little bit.

"But Gary has always been unpredictable and after suffering from PTSD when he left the army, that part of his personality started to pull himself together, we saw him when he attacked at Phelan, we've seen him through his quarrel with Seb, and we'll see a very different Gary in the next few months. "

Gary is the next big villain in the series?

"This is not a bad guy as such in Phelan's appearance, but he's definitely on the wrong side of the law." Gary suddenly has a lot more problems to face, he's fighting for his survival and that's what makes it so dangerous.

"All that he did was for Sarah, so when she turns her back on him, he has nothing left to lose and that makes him even more dangerous." Gary is deep inside him and is fighting effectively for his life. "

"Gary is not mean, he's done a very bad thing and he will have to live with that for the rest of his life, but is he willing to go to jail for that? Maybe not, and now, He has Rick on his back Well, we'll see Gary fight and I love to play with him … Gary can make some very rash decisions and is then forced on the way to the absence of back. "

Gary Windbad in Coronation Street


Were you worried about the scenario, since bad guys usually have to pay the price for their crimes?

"It crossed my mind, but as an actor, you have to love these intrigues and I'm very happy to see what they're going to get me in. I've been here for over 10 years and it's the most exciting time in Gary's life.

"You want big stories, so I'm going to take whatever they can get in. I do not think Gary has any intention of getting caught for a while and that it will not fall." Not without a fight, that's for sure.The stakes are important to Gary and he has nothing to lose. "

What are we going to expect from Gary?

"This is the beginning of the next chapter in Gary's life, and I can not wait to get stuck and see what the writers have in store for him, come on," I said.

Coronation Street continues on Monday, June 3rd at 7:30 pm and at 8:30 pm on ITV.

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