Sporadic rain causes a surge in dengue cases throughout the state


The state has so far reported 3,785 cases of dengue fever this year and their numbers are only increasing, according to doctors.

The Bruhat Bengaluru region Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) with 2,257 cases and Dakshina Kannada district with 255 positive cases recorded the highest number this season. In addition, Hbadan, Kalaburagi and Shivamogga also reported a high number of cases.

Unlike previous years, this year's increase is visible for long periods and experts attribute it to low rainfall.

Ideally, the regions that reported many cases receive heavy rainfall in July. This year, low rainfall has become a source of concern in these areas, apart from drought. In the usual scenario, the district of Dakshina Kannada is experiencing heavy rains that carry puddles that are also a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

This year, however, sporadic rains have left the district with several puddles of water and minor water collection points where mosquitoes breed, officials from the Department of Health and Welfare said. to be family.

Dr. Prakash Kumar, Deputy Director of the National Vector-borne Disease Control Program, said, "There is an unusual situation in Dakshina Kannada district. Sporadic rains have caused waterlogging of houses, especially apartments, "he said.

He explained: "If there is continuous rainfall as usual, the larvae are washed away. Dakshina Kannada and Udupi are suitable for mosquito survival. The wet conditions are favorable and the longevity of the mosquitoes is also good here. "

The health department is also redeploying ASHA workers from rural areas to urban areas on the first and third Friday of each month for source reduction and surveillance.

"We also involve students in nursing and pharmacy. Four mobile teams have been deployed here to visit the apartments every week, "said Dr. Kumar.

Dr. Rajeshwari Devi, Medical Director of Wenlock Hospital, said, "We are witnessing an influx of patients with fever. We have six cases now and all are stable. About 60% of admissions to the medical service are now due to fever, "she said.

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