Stalemate: we go to court if other licensed lecturers are not reinstated – Afenyo-Markins (VIDEO) | Education


Member for the riding of Effutu, the Hon. Alexander Afenyo-Markin says that they will be forced to go to court if lecturers and staff still dismissed from their positions are not reinstated in their duties.

According to him, although he is satisfied with the reinstatement of three (3) lecturers by the board of directors of the University of Education, Winneba, before the reopening of the university. School today (Monday), the board of directors must take steps to ensure that the other dismissed staff members have been reinstated.

Speak on FM agreement Program "Ade Akye Abia", he explained that he had met the relevant staff of the university and that he had a good record, but he would not advise them to discuss the issue on the radio .

Afenyo-Markin said it would help them seek redress in court if the internal mechanisms enforced did not allow them to be reinstated as soon as possible.

"We have to solve the problem once and for all. As far as I know, meetings in which I participated and conclusions reached, all those who were fired as a result of a disagreement with the new management in one way or other. 39, another were supposed to be reinstated and I think the vice-chancellor is well aware of this.

"He and I know that these people, most of them, were considered supporters of Avoke. We have all been charged with ensuring reconciliation. Reconciliation should not be done in a way that does not give a positive impression. Dr. Bekoe is supposed to be reinstated, I do not see why Bekoe should be left out, I do not see why Agbesi will always have to stay at home in suspension.

"I do not see why Dr. Duku would be reinstated and the others left out," he said, explaining that, in the case of a "Mr. Quarshie, the circumstances under which his term was terminated were unfair and that, therefore, I expect that the good things are done. "

He is convinced that Professor Afful-Broni is willing and ready to discuss the matter and to make sure that this question is resolved amicably.

Students from the University of Education Winneba (UEW) on the campuses of Ejumako and Winneba returned to school today, April 8, 2019 to resume their work academics after almost a month of inactivity.

Both campuses were closed on March 14, 2019 following a violent student demonstration, which caused considerable damage to school properties worth millions of cedis.

The injured students protested against the dismissal of some lecturers by the vice-chancellor reverend. Anthony Afful-Broni.

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