Star Wars 9 Wars: Shock Bombardment by ANAKIN SKYWALKER? & # 39; Luke knocked out Rey with the secret & # 39; | Films | Entertainment


As the final trilogy ends at the end of the year, alleged leaks continue to occur online. Of course, they all have to be caught with a pinch of salt waiting for more LucasFilm official details, but this latest report certainly removes the spell at a time of The Last Jedi of 2017 that left fans unhappy.

Luke Skywalker's arc in this film was particularly divisive among Star Wars fans – including, it seems, actor Mark Hamill himself.

But JJ Abrams' plans for Episode 9 apparently include a revealing shock that slightly contradicts Luke's finale.

In The Last Jedi, he never physically left his place on Ahch-To, despite the best efforts of Rey (Daisy Ridley).

In the final act, he appeared on Crait to help the Resistance and deal with Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) – but he did it as a projection of strength; a process that eventually killed him.

Now, Mike Zeroh – a famous Star Wars YouTuber with a mixed track record of accuracy – has unveiled details of a fact about this appearance of Crait, which will apparently be revealed in Episode 9.

He says that one scene will see Luke Force's ghost with Rey, while they're "on a Jedi mosaic, where Luke gives a lecture on the Force."

He adds, "The conversation turns into a discussion about Anakin, initiated by Rey about Luke's father.

"The ghost of Luke's force reveals to Rey that his father had learned many powers in the underworld, including the Doppelganger technique, also known as Force Projection.

"While Luke was using power in Last Jedi, Anakin was reaching out to Luke to guide him on how to properly use that power.

"It is said that Luke explained to Rey that those from beyond the Force possessed great abilities that could be taught to a mortal."

In the novelization of The Last Jedi, Zeroh explains that Luke hears a voice telling him to "let go" while using projection.

And while this voice was supposed in the past to be that of Obi-Wan Kenobi, could it have been rather Anakin?

We still have time to wait to see if this new alleged leak is really true, but it would certainly give a new and interesting detail to Anakin – who would have been quoted in the film as Force Ghost.

Star Wars 9 still has no title – it is thought that the April Celebration of Star Wars is the last possible moment it will be unveiled.

Meanwhile, Oscar Isaac – who plays Poe – said on television this week that Anthony Daniels' C-3PO had a lot of "fun" footage to play.

Star Wars 9 will be released on December 19 in the UK.

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