Start a kind of civic revolution in this country – Koku Anyidoho tells Ghanaians | Policy


Mr Koku Anyidoho, former Deputy Secretary General of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), an opposition party, said it needed a revolution of consciousness to cope with the perpetual floods in the country.

He wants Ghanaians to say no to politicians and start a civic revolution, with politicians largely blamed for failing to put in place the structures needed to control floods and dirty politics with floods.

"Ghanaians should start a kind of civic revolution in this country, and if we leave this task to the politicians, this country will go nowhere. I am a politician but this Ghana does not belong to politicians, it belongs to us all. Let's wake up and say we're fed up with politicians and ignore them, "he said. Adom FM Friday.

Some parts of Accra were flooded again on Friday morning after a heavy rain started Thursday night. The rains fell around 3 am Friday and parts of the capital were flooded. An alert from the Meteorological Agency of Ghana announced Friday an increase in rainfall in many parts of the country.

Speaking about the changing situation, Mr. Anyidoho asked why local authorities mandated to ensure mental health in the country had done nothing to reduce the problem.

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