Start of work at the press center of Volta GJA


General News of Wednesday, March 27, 2019



GJA EXECUTIVES1 GJA President Roland Affail Monney, former Minister of State Elizabeth Ohene and some leaders of the GJA

Elizabeth Ohene, a veteran journalist and former state minister, Tuesday opened the work of a state-of-the-art press center for the Volta regional branch of the Ghana Journalists Association (GJA).

The first phase of the project includes: a pavilion, a bar / restaurant, an office, a store and bathrooms and is estimated at 60,000 GHC. The project is expected to be completed and commissioned on May 3, 2019 to commemorate this year's World Press Freedom Day and mark the 70th anniversary of GJA.

Ms. Ohene congratulated Volta GJA for her foresight and said that the facility would serve as a center for intellectual stimulation. She reminded reporters to stay true to the truth and give up the popularity with false information.

She said that "a journalist is not supposed to be part of the stakes of popularity. This is not our job. We are not supposed to be there to want to be the most popular person when you are good, people give you fans, no … when that happens, you can be sure that you are doing something wrong. We are not supposed to be celebrities … it's a new phenomenon, it's your job that should speak for you. "

Ms. Ohene asked reporters in the region to tell the story of the Volta region and invited practitioners to focus on their core mandate of enlightening the public and "reporting on issues like" They are, "and not to sing praises, for place" finally.

Archibald Yao Letsa, Volta's regional minister, said the region's journalists were key development partners and announced that the Regional Coordination Council would provide support for the completion of the building.

He said the center would improve the dissemination of information in the region and urged journalists to remain neutral on issues of national interest. Dr. Letsa said that the journalists were not supposed to serve any political party, but the Ghanaian people and called for a balanced reporting at all times.

Mr. Roland Affail Monney, National President of the GJA, who described the project as historical, congratulated the Volta GJA for being a "benchmark and standard measure" for all sections of the GJA in the country. He said the region had produced some of the country's most experienced and best journalists and called on these journalists to continue telling the story of the region.

Mr. Dela Gadzanku, President of the Association of Industries of Ghana Volta and Eastern Region, congratulated the management of the Volta GJA and badured the support of the Association for the completion of the project in delays.

Mr. AB Kafui Kanyi, Volta Regional President, GJA, said the grbad cut had brought the dream closer to a regional press center, adding that the center would serve as a rallying point for the journalist and would help generate income for the Association.

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